Youji Wang
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Accumulation of microplastics in typical commercial aquatic species: A case study at a productive aquaculture site in China
F Wu, Y Wang, JYS Leung, W Huang, J Zeng, Y Tang, J Chen, A Shi, X Yu, ...
Science of The Total Environment 708, 135432, 2020
Microplastic accumulation via trophic transfer: can a predatory crab counter the adverse effects of microplastics by body defence?
T Wang, M Hu, G Xu, H Shi, JYS Leung, Y Wang
Science of the Total Environment 754, 142099, 2021
Rethinking Nano‐TiO2 Safety: Overview of Toxic Effects in Humans and Aquatic Animals
Z Luo, Z Li, Z Xie, IM Sokolova, L Song, WJGM Peijnenburg, M Hu, ...
Small 16 (36), 2002019, 2020
Effect of pH and temperature on antioxidant responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus
M Hu, L Li, Y Sui, J Li, Y Wang, W Lu, S Dupont
Fish & shellfish immunology 46 (2), 573-583, 2015
Shanghai Ocean University
Y Wang
China, 0
Physiological energetics of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to seawater acidification and thermal stress
Y Wang, L Li, M Hu, W Lu
Science of The Total Environment 514, 261-272, 2015
Nanoplastics impair the intestinal health of the juvenile large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea
H Gu, S Wang, X Wang, X Yu, M Hu, W Huang, Y Wang
Journal of hazardous materials 397, 122773, 2020
Coastal zone use influences the spatial distribution of microplastics in Hangzhou Bay, China
T Wang, M Hu, L Song, J Yu, R Liu, S Wang, Z Wang, IM Sokolova, ...
Environmental Pollution 266, 115137, 2020
Is microplastic an oxidative stressor? Evidence from a meta-analysis on bivalves
Z Li, X Chang, M Hu, JKH Fang, IM Sokolova, W Huang, EG Xu, Y Wang
Journal of Hazardous Materials 423, 127211, 2022
Microplastics impair digestive performance but show little effects on antioxidant activity in mussels under low pH conditions
X Wang, W Huang, S Wei, Y Shang, H Gu, F Wu, Z Lan, M Hu, H Shi, ...
Environmental Pollution 258, 113691, 2020
Replacement of fish meal by rendered animal protein ingredients with lysine and methionine supplementation to practical diets for gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio
M Hu, Y Wang, Q Wang, M Zhao, B Xiong, X Qian, Y Zhao, Z Luo
Aquaculture 275 (1-4), 260-265, 2008
The combined effects of oxygen availability and salinity on physiological responses and scope for growth in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis
Y Wang, M Hu, WH Wong, PKS Shin, SG Cheung
Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (5-12), 255-261, 2011
Toxicity mechanisms of polystyrene microplastics in marine mussels revealed by high-coverage quantitative metabolomics using chemical isotope labeling liquid chromatography …
W Huang, X Wang, D Chen, EG Xu, X Luo, J Zeng, T Huan, L Li, Y Wang
Journal of Hazardous Materials 417, 126003, 2021
Ingestion of nano/micro plastic particles by the mussel Mytilus coruscus is size dependent
S Wang, M Hu, J Zheng, W Huang, Y Shang, JKH Fang, H Shi, Y Wang
Chemosphere 263, 127957, 2021
Immune parameter changes of hemocytes in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis exposure to hypoxia and hyposalinity
Y Wang, M Hu, SG Cheung, PKS Shin, W Lu, J Li
Aquaculture 356, 22-29, 2012
Microplastics aggravate the adverse effects of BDE-47 on physiological and defense performance in mussels
H Gu, S Wei, M Hu, H Wei, X Wang, Y Shang, L Li, H Shi, Y Wang
Journal of Hazardous Materials 398, 122909, 2020
Hemocyte responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to nano-TiO 2 and seawater acidification
X Huang, D Lin, K Ning, Y Sui, M Hu, W Lu, Y Wang
Aquatic Toxicology 180, 1-10, 2016
Fusion of microplastics into the mussel byssus
Q Li, C Sun, Y Wang, H Cai, L Li, J Li, H Shi
Environmental Pollution 252 (Part A), 420-426, 2019
Oxidative stress induced by titanium dioxide nanoparticles increases under seawater acidification in the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus
X Huang, Z Liu, Z Xie, S Dupont, W Huang, F Wu, H Kong, L Liu, Y Sui, ...
Marine environmental research 137, 49-59, 2018
Characterization of subpopulations and immune-related parameters of hemocytes in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis
Y Wang, M Hu, MWL Chiang, PKS Shin, SG Cheung
Fish & shellfish immunology 32 (3), 381-390, 2012
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