Articles avec mandats d'accès public - TsallisEn savoir plus
Disponibles quelque part : 35
On a q-Central Limit Theorem Consistent with Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics
S Umarov, C Tsallis, S Steinberg
Milan journal of mathematics 76 (1), 307-328, 2008
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
From QCD-based hard-scattering to nonextensive statistical mechanical descriptions of transverse momentum spectra in high-energy and collisions
CY Wong, G Wilk, LJL Cirto, C Tsallis
Physical Review D 91 (11), 114027, 2015
Exigences : US Department of Energy
Generalization of symmetric α-stable Lévy distributions for q> 1
S Umarov, C Tsallis, M Gell-Mann, S Steinberg
Journal of mathematical physics 51 (3), 2010
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Limit distributions of scale-invariant probabilistic models of correlated random variables with the q-Gaussian as an explicit example
R Hanel, S Thurner, C Tsallis
The European Physical Journal B 72 (2), 263-268, 2009
Exigences : Austrian Science Fund
Linear redshift space distortions for cosmic voids based on galaxies in redshift space
CH Chuang, FS Kitaura, Y Liang, A Font-Ribera, C Zhao, P McDonald, ...
Physical Review D 95 (6), 063528, 2017
Exigences : US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Universal behaviour of interoccurrence times between losses in financial markets: An analytical description
J Ludescher, C Tsallis, A Bunde
Europhysics Letters 95 (6), 68002, 2011
Exigences : German Research Foundation
Nonlinear Schroedinger equation in the presence of uniform acceleration
AR Plastino, C Tsallis
Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (4), 2013
Exigences : Government of Spain
Time-evolving statistics of chaotic orbits of conservative maps in the context of the Central Limit Theorem
G Ruiz, T Bountis, C Tsallis
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22 (09), 1250208, 2012
Exigences : Government of Spain
On the robustness of q-expectation values and Rényi entropy
R Hanel, S Thurner, C Tsallis
Europhysics Letters 85 (2), 20005, 2009
Exigences : Austrian Science Fund
Towards a large deviation theory for strongly correlated systems
G Ruiz, C Tsallis
Physics Letters A 376 (36), 2451-2454, 2012
Exigences : Government of Spain
Reply to Comment on “Towards a large deviation theory for strongly correlated systems”
G Ruiz, C Tsallis
Physics Letters A 377 (6), 491-495, 2013
Exigences : Government of Spain
Possible implication of a single nonextensive pT distribution for hadron production in high-energy pp collisions
CY Wong, G Wilk, LJL Cirto, C Tsallis
EPJ Web of Conferences 90, 04002, 2015
Exigences : US Department of Energy
A new entropy based on a group-theoretical structure
EMF Curado, P Tempesta, C Tsallis
Annals of Physics 366, 22-31, 2016
Exigences : Government of Spain
Entropy-based network representation of the individual metabolic phenotype
E Saccenti, G Menichetti, V Ghini, D Remondini, L Tenori, C Luchinat
Journal of proteome research 15 (9), 3298-3307, 2016
Exigences : Government of Italy
Initial or final values for semiclassical evolutions in the Weyl–Wigner representation
AMO de Almeida, RO Vallejos, E Zambrano
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (13), 135304, 2013
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
Some open points in nonextensive statistical mechanics
C Tsallis
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22 (09), 1230030, 2012
Exigences : German Research Foundation
A generalised model for asymptotically-scale-free geographical networks
N Cinardi, A Rapisarda, C Tsallis
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2020 (4), 043404, 2020
Exigences : Government of Italy
Nonequilibrium spin crossover in copper phthalocyanine
B Siegert, A Donarini, M Grifoni
Physical Review B 93 (12), 121406, 2016
Exigences : German Research Foundation
Lattice gauge theory with fluctuating temperature
TS Biró, Z Schram
EPJ Web of Conferences 13, 05004, 2011
Exigences : Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Filter design for hybrid spin gates
A Albrecht, MB Plenio
Physical Review A 92 (2), 022340, 2015
Exigences : European Commission
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