Topological phases of fermions in one dimension L Fidkowski, A Kitaev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (7), 075103, 2011
954 2011 Effects of interactions on the topological classification of free fermion systems L Fidkowski, A Kitaev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (13), 134509, 2010
682 2010 Entanglement spectrum of topological insulators and superconductors L Fidkowski
Physical review letters 104 (13), 130502, 2010
436 2010 The black hole singularity in AdS/CFT L Fidkowski, V Hubeny, M Kleban, S Shenker
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (02), 014, 2004
398 2004 Non-Abelian Topological Order on the Surface of a 3D Topological Superconductor<? format?> from an Exactly Solved Model L Fidkowski, X Chen, A Vishwanath
Physical Review X 3 (4), 041016, 2013
326 2013 Majorana zero modes in one-dimensional quantum wires without long-ranged superconducting order L Fidkowski, RM Lutchyn, C Nayak, MPA Fisher
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (19), 195436, 2011
221 2011 Chiral floquet phases of many-body localized bosons HC Po, L Fidkowski, T Morimoto, AC Potter, A Vishwanath
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041070, 2016
217 2016 Symmetry enforced non-abelian topological order at the surface of a topological insulator X Chen, L Fidkowski, A Vishwanath
Physical Review B 89 (16), 165132, 2014
216 2014 Anomalous symmetry fractionalization and surface topological order X Chen, FJ Burnell, A Vishwanath, L Fidkowski
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041013, 2015
193 2015 Exactly soluble model of a three-dimensional symmetry-protected topological phase of bosons with surface topological order FJ Burnell, X Chen, L Fidkowski, A Vishwanath
Physical Review B 90 (24), 245122, 2014
174 2014 Universal transport signatures of Majorana fermions in superconductor-Luttinger liquid junctions L Fidkowski, J Alicea, NH Lindner, RM Lutchyn, MPA Fisher
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (24), 245121, 2012
174 2012 Symmetry fractionalization and twist defects N Tarantino, NH Lindner, L Fidkowski
New Journal of Physics 18 (3), 035006, 2016
159 2016 Model Characterization of Gapless Edge Modes of Topological Insulators<? format?> Using Intermediate Brillouin-Zone Functions L Fidkowski, TS Jackson, I Klich
Physical review letters 107 (3), 036601, 2011
131 2011 How dynamical quantum memories forget L Fidkowski, J Haah, MB Hastings
Quantum 5, 382, 2021
109 2021 Interaction effects on 3D topological superconductors: surface topological order from vortex condensation, the 16 fold way and fermionic Kramers doublets MA Metlitski, L Fidkowski, X Chen, A Vishwanath
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.3032, 2014
108 2014 Symmetry-enriched string nets: Exactly solvable models for set phases C Heinrich, F Burnell, L Fidkowski, M Levin
Physical Review B 94 (23), 235136, 2016
100 2016 Radical chiral Floquet phases in a periodically driven Kitaev model and beyond HC Po, L Fidkowski, A Vishwanath, AC Potter
Physical Review B 96 (24), 245116, 2017
99 2017 Interacting invariants for Floquet phases of fermions in two dimensions L Fidkowski, HC Po, AC Potter, A Vishwanath
Physical Review B 99 (8), 085115, 2019
81 2019 Nontrivial quantum cellular automata in higher dimensions J Haah, L Fidkowski, MB Hastings
Communications in Mathematical Physics 398 (1), 469-540, 2023
73 2023 Magnetic and superconducting ordering in one-dimensional nanostructures at the LaAlO /SrTiO interface L Fidkowski, HC Jiang, RM Lutchyn, C Nayak
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (1), 014436, 2013
71 2013