Articles avec mandats d'accès public - Mohammed Zakaria SLIMANIEn savoir plus
Disponibles quelque part : 3
Cluster glasses of semiflexible ring polymers
MZ Slimani, P Bacova, M Bernabei, A Narros, CN Likos, AJ Moreno
ACS macro letters 3 (7), 611-616, 2014
Exigences : Austrian Science Fund
NMR Investigation of the complexation of (S)-2-isopropyl-1-(o-nitrophenyl) sulfonyl) aziridine with β-cyclodextrin
A Keniche, MZ Slimani, JI Miranda, JM Aizpurua, JK Mulengi
Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry 2 (5), 620-631, 2014
Exigences : Government of Spain
Slow dynamics in nanostructured phases of diblock, gradient and random copolymers: a computational investigation
MZ Slimani
Universidad del País Vasco, 2013
Exigences : Government of Spain
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