Carl Heron
Carl Heron
The British Museum
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Archaeological chemistry
AM Pollard, C Heron
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015
Earliest evidence for the use of pottery
OE Craig, H Saul, A Lucquin, Y Nishida, K Taché, L Clarke, A Thompson, ...
Nature 496 (7445), 351-354, 2013
Analysis of organic residues of archaeological origin by high-temperature gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
RP Evershed, C Heron, LJ Goad
Analyst 115 (10), 1339-1342, 1990
Ancient lipids reveal continuity in culinary practices across the transition to agriculture in Northern Europe
OE Craig, VJ Steele, A Fischer, S Hartz, SH Andersen, P Donohoe, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (44), 17910-17915, 2011
Did the first farmers of central and eastern Europe produce dairy foods?
OE Craig, J Chapman, C Heron, LH Willis, L Bartosiewicz, G Taylor, ...
antiquity 79 (306), 882-894, 2005
Molecular and isotopic demonstration of the processing of aquatic products in northern European prehistoric pottery
OE Craig, M Forster, SH Andersen, E Koch, P Crombé, NJ Milner, B Stern, ...
Archaeometry 49 (1), 135-152, 2007
The analysis of organic residues and the study of pottery use
C Heron, RP Evershed
Archaeological method and theory 5, 247-284, 1993
The survival of food residues: new methods of analysis, interpretation and application
RP Evershed, C Heron, S Charters, LJ Goad
Proceedings of the British Academy 77 (2), 187-208, 1992
Effects of migration of soil lipids on organic residues associated with buried potsherds
C Heron, RP Evershed, LJ Goad
Journal of Archaeological Science 18 (6), 641-659, 1991
The chemistry of Neolithic beeswax.
C Heron, N Nemcek, KM Bonfield, D Dixon, BS Ottaway
Epicuticular wax components preserved in potsherds as chemical indicators of leafy vegetables in ancient diets
RP Evershed, C Heron, LJ Goad
Antiquity 65 (248), 540-544, 1991
Ancient lipids document continuity in the use of early hunter–gatherer pottery through 9,000 years of Japanese prehistory
A Lucquin, K Gibbs, J Uchiyama, H Saul, M Ajimoto, Y Eley, A Radini, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (15), 3991-3996, 2016
Identification of an adhesive used to repair a Roman jar
S Charters, RP Evershed, LJ Goad, C Heron, P Blinkhorn
Archaeometry 35 (1), 91-101, 1993
Compositional variations in aged and heated Pistacia resin found in Late Bronze Age Canaanite amphorae and bowls from Amarna, Egypt
B Stern, C Heron, L Corr, M Serpico, J Bourriau
Archaeometry 45 (3), 457-469, 2003
Distinguishing wild ruminant lipids by gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry
OE Craig, RB Allen, A Thompson, RE Stevens, VJ Steele, C Heron
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 26 (19), 2359-2364, 2012
New investigations into the Uluburun resin cargo
B Stern, C Heron, T Tellefsen, M Serpico
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (8), 2188-2203, 2008
Chewing tar in the early Holocene: an archaeological and ethnographic evaluation
EM Aveling, C Heron
Antiquity 73 (281), 579-584, 1999
Cooking fish and drinking milk? Patterns in pottery use in the southeastern Baltic, 3300–2400 cal BC
C Heron, OE Craig, A Luquin, VJ Steele, A Thompson, G Piličiauskas
Journal of Archaeological Science 63, 33-43, 2015
Identification of birch bark tar at the Mesolithic site of Star Carr
EM Aveling, C Heron
Ancient biomolecules 2 (1), 69-80, 1998
First molecular and isotopic evidence of millet processing in prehistoric pottery vessels
C Heron, S Shoda, A Breu Barcons, J Czebreszuk, Y Eley, M Gorton, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 38767, 2016
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