International tables for crystallography BC Bunker, F Boscherini, C Chantler
(No Title), 2017
503 2017 XAFS study of Ti-silicalite: structure of framework Ti (IV) in the presence and absence of reactive molecules (H2O, NH3) and comparison with ultraviolet-visible and IR results S Bordiga, S Coluccia, C Lamberti, L Marchese, A Zecchina, F Boscherini, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (15), 4125-4132, 1994
432 1994 X-ray optics of a dynamical sagittal-focusing monochromator on the GILDA beamline at the ESRF S Pascarelli, F Boscherini, F d'Acapito, J Hrdy, C Meneghini, S Mobilio
Synchrotron Radiation 3 (4), 147-155, 1996
314 1996 Synchrotron Radiation S Mobilio, F Boscherini, C Meneghini
Springer-Verlag Berlin An, 2016
252 2016 Size-dependent oxidation in iron/iron oxide core-shell nanoparticles L Signorini, L Pasquini, L Savini, R Carboni, F Boscherini, E Bonetti, ...
Physical Review B 68 (19), 195423, 2003
242 2003 Direct Observation of Nitrogen Location in Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown<? format?> Nitrogen-Doped ZnO P Fons, H Tampo, AV Kolobov, M Ohkubo, S Niki, J Tominaga, R Carboni, ...
Physical Review Letters 96 (4), 045504, 2006
169 2006 Ge–Si intermixing in Ge quantum dots on Si (001) and Si (111) F Boscherini, G Capellini, L Di Gaspare, F Rosei, N Motta, S Mobilio
Applied Physics Letters 76 (6), 682-684, 2000
159 2000 Surface x-ray diffraction from C o/P t (111) ultrathin films and alloys: Structure and magnetism S Ferrer, J Alvarez, E Lundgren, X Torrelles, P Fajardo, F Boscherini
Physical Review B 56 (15), 9848, 1997
134 1997 XAFS study of Ti-silicalite: structure of framework Ti(IV) in presence and in absence of reactive molecules (H2 O, NH3 ) S Bordiga, F Boscherini, S Coluccia, F Genonic, C Lamberti, G Leofanti, ...
Catalysis letters 26, 195-208, 1994
109 1994 Probing Long‐Lived Plasmonic‐Generated Charges in TiO2 /Au by High‐Resolution X‐ray Absorption Spectroscopy L Amidani, A Naldoni, M Malvestuto, M Marelli, P Glatzel, V Dal Santo, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (18), 5413-5416, 2015
104 2015 Oxide/Metal Interface Distance and Epitaxial Strain in the System C Lamberti, E Groppo, C Prestipino, S Casassa, AM Ferrari, C Pisani, ...
Physical review letters 91 (4), 046101, 2003
104 2003 Oxygen Vacancy Induced Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Pr-Doped CeO2 Thin Films on Silicon G Niu, E Hildebrandt, MA Schubert, F Boscherini, MH Zoellner, L Alff, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (20), 17496-17505, 2014
103 2014 Evidence for truncated octahedral structures in supported gold clusters A Pinto, AR Pennisi, G Faraci, G D’agostino, S Mobilio, F Boscherini
Physical Review B 51 (8), 5315, 1995
103 1995 Epitaxy, overlayer growth, and surface segregation for Co/GaAs(110) and Co/GaAs(100)-c (82) F Xu, JJ Joyce, MW Ruckman, HW Chen, F Boscherini, DM Hill, ...
Physical Review B 35 (5), 2375, 1987
103 1987 X-ray absorption study at the Mg and O edges of ultrathin MgO epilayers on Ag(001) P Luches, S D’Addato, S Valeri, E Groppo, C Prestipino, C Lamberti, ...
Physical Review B 69 (4), 045412, 2004
98 2004 High-resolution photoemission study of Co/Si (111) interface formation F Boscherini, JJ Joyce, MW Ruckman, JH Weaver
Physical Review B 35 (9), 4216, 1987
91 1987 Exchange bias and structural disorder in the nanogranular system produced by ball milling and hydrogen reduction L Del Bianco, F Boscherini, AL Fiorini, M Tamisari, F Spizzo, MV Antisari, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (9), 094408, 2008
89 2008 GILDA (Italian Beamline) on BM29 F D'Acapito, S Colonna, S Pascarelli, G Antonioli, A Balerna, A Bazzini, ...
89 1998 Manganese-induced growth of GaAs nanowires F Martelli, S Rubini, M Piccin, G Bais, F Jabeen, S De Franceschi, V Grillo, ...
Nano Letters 6 (9), 2130-2134, 2006
85 2006 The ancient glass production of the Medieval Val Gargassa glasshouse: Fe and Mn XANES study S Quartieri, MP Riccardi, B Messiga, F Boscherini
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (37-39), 3013-3022, 2005
72 2005