Beatriz Marcotegui
Beatriz Marcotegui
MINES ParisTech, CMM- Centre de Morphologie Mathématique, Mathématiques et Systèmes.
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Kpconv: Flexible and deformable convolution for point clouds
H Thomas, CR Qi, JE Deschaud, B Marcotegui, F Goulette, LJ Guibas
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
TeleOphta: Machine learning and image processing methods for teleophthalmology
E Decenciere, G Cazuguel, X Zhang, G Thibault, JC Klein, F Meyer, ...
Irbm 34 (2), 196-203, 2013
Exudate detection in color retinal images for mass screening of diabetic retinopathy
X Zhang, G Thibault, E Decencière, B Marcotegui, B Laÿ, R Danno, ...
Medical image analysis 18 (7), 1026-1043, 2014
Detection, segmentation and classification of 3D urban objects using mathematical morphology and supervised learning
A Serna, B Marcotegui
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 93, 243-255, 2014
TerraMobilita/iQmulus urban point cloud analysis benchmark
B Vallet, M Brédif, A Serna, B Marcotegui, N Paparoditis
Computers & Graphics 49, 126-133, 2015
Semantic classification of 3D point clouds with multiscale spherical neighborhoods
H Thomas, F Goulette, JE Deschaud, B Marcotegui, Y LeGall
2018 International conference on 3D vision (3DV), 390-398, 2018
Paris-rue-Madame database: a 3D mobile laser scanner dataset for benchmarking urban detection, segmentation and classification methods
A Serna, B Marcotegui, F Goulette, JE Deschaud
4th international conference on pattern recognition, applications and …, 2014
Segmentation-based video coding system allowing the manipulation of objects
P Salembier, F Marqués, M Pardas, JR Morros, I Corset, S Jeannin, ...
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 7 (1), 60-74, 1997
Urban accessibility diagnosis from mobile laser scanning data
A Serna, B Marcotegui
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 84, 23-32, 2013
Segmented picture coding method and system, and corresponding decoding method and system
I Corset, L Bouchard, S Jeannin, P Salembier, F Marques, M Pardas, ...
US Patent 5,995,668, 1999
Point cloud segmentation towards urban ground modeling
J Hernández, B Marcotegui
2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, 1-5, 2009
Fast implementation of waterfall based on graphs
B Marcotegui, S Beucher
Mathematical Morphology: 40 Years On: Proceedings of the 7th International …, 2005
Filtering of artifacts and pavement segmentation from mobile lidar data
J Hernández, B Marcotegui
ISPRS Workshop Laserscanning 2009, 2009
Text segmentation in natural scenes using toggle-mapping
J Fabrizio, B Marcotegui, M Cord
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2373-2376, 2009
A video object generation tool allowing friendly user interaction
B Marcotegui, F Zanoguera, P Correia, R Rosa, F Marqués, R Mech, ...
Proceedings 1999 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat …, 1999
A toolbox for interactive segmentation based on nested partitions
F Zanoguera, B Marcotegui, F Meyer
Proceedings 1999 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat …, 1999
Scene text localization based on the ultimate opening.
T Retornaz, B Marcotegui
ISMM (1), 177-188, 2007
Snoopertext: A multiresolution system for text detection in complex visual scenes
R Minetto, N Thome, M Cord, J Fabrizio, B Marcotegui
2010 IEEE international conference on image processing, 3861-3864, 2010
Text detection in street level images
J Fabrizio, B Marcotegui, M Cord
Pattern Analysis and Applications 16, 519-533, 2013
On power Jaccard losses for semantic segmentation
D Duque-Arias, S Velasco-Forero, JE Deschaud, F Goulette, A Serna, ...
VISAPP 2021: 16th International conference on computer vision theory and …, 2021
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