Dr. Masatoshi Sone
Dr. Masatoshi Sone
Associate Professor, Departmen of Geology, University of Malaya
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Parallel Tethyan sutures in mainland Southeast Asia: New insights for Palaeo-Tethys closure and implications for the Indosinian orogeny
M Sone, I Metcalfe
Comptes Rendus Geosciences 340 (2-3), 166-179, 2008
Tectonic evolution of the Sibumasu–Indochina terrane collision zone in Thailand and Malaysia: constraints from new U–Pb zircon chronology of SE Asian tin granitoids
MP Searle, MJ Whitehouse, LJ Robb, AA Ghani, CS Hutchison, M Sone, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 169 (4), 489-500, 2012
Petrogenesis of Malaysian granitoids in the Southeast Asian tin belt: Part 2. U-Pb zircon geochronology and tectonic model
SWP Ng, MJ Whitehouse, MP Searle, LJ Robb, AA Ghani, SL Chung, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin, B31214. 1, 2015
Petrogenesis of Malaysian granitoids in the Southeast Asian tin belt: Part 1. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics
SWP Ng, SL Chung, LJ Robb, MP Searle, AA Ghani, MJ Whitehouse, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin, B31213. 1, 2015
The Chanthaburi terrane of southeastern Thailand: Stratigraphic confirmation as a disrupted segment of the Sukhothai Arc
M Sone, I Metcalfe, P Chaodumrong
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 61, 16-32, 2012
Lower Triassic mixed carbonate and siliciclastic setting with Smithian–Spathian anoxic to dysoxic facies, An Chau basin, northeastern Vietnam
T Komatsu, H Naruse, Y Shigeta, R Takashima, T Maekawa, HT Dang, ...
Sedimentary Geology 300, 28-48, 2014
Biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of Lower Permian (lower Kungurian) conodonts from the Tak Fa Formation (Saraburi Limestone), Thailand
I Metcalfe, M Sone
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257 (1-2), 139-151, 2008
Middle Permian brachiopods from central Peninsular Malaysia--faunal affinities between Malaysia and west Cambodia
M Sone, MS Leman, GR Shi
Journal of Asian earth sciences 19 (1-2), 177-194, 2001
Tectonic evolution of the Malay Peninsula inferred from Jurassic to Cretaceous paleomagnetic results
Y Otofuji, YT Moriyama, MP Arita, M Miyazaki, K Tsumura, Y Yoshimura, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 134, 130-149, 2017
Early Ordovician sponge-bearing microbialites from Peninsular Malaysia: The initial rise of metazoans in reefs
QJ Li, M Sone, O Lehnert, L Na
Palaeoworld 28 (1-2), 80-95, 2019
Actinocerid cephalopods from the Ordovician of Myanmar, and their paleobiogeographic implications for northern Gondwana
S Niko, M Sone
Paleontological Research 18 (2), 94-103, 2014
Parallel Tethyan Sutures and the Sukhothai Island-arc System in Thailand and Beyond
M Sone, I Metcalfe
Proceedings of the International Symposia on Geoscience Resources and …, 2008
On the new Permian Bera Formation from the Bera District, Pahang, Malaysia
MS Leman, KR Mohamed, M Sone
Proceedings of the Geological Society of Malaysia (Annual Geological …, 2000
Triassic nautiloid Sibyllonautilus from Gua Bama, Peninsular Malaysia and its regional stratigraphic implications
M Sone, MS Leman, I Metcalfe
Alcheringa 28 (2), 477-483, 2004
Palaeobiogeographic implications of Middle Permian brachiopods from Johore (Peninsular Malaysia)
Geological magazine 140 (5), 523-538, 2003
Fusulinoids from the Bashkirian–Moscovian transition beds of the Shahreza region in the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, Iran
S Fassihi, M Sone, V Hairapetian, FS Esfahani
International Journal of Earth Sciences 106 (4), 1205-1221, 2017
Gondwanan nautiloid cephalopods from the Ordovician of Myanmar
S Niko, M Sone
Paleontological Research 19 (4), 288-293, 2015
Search for the Permian-Triassic boundary in central Peninsular Malaysia: Preliminary report
M Sone, I Metcalfe, MS Leman
Permophiles, 2008
Middle Permian cephalopods from central Peninsular Malaysia: implications for faunal migration through the southern Tethys
M Sone, MS Leman, M Ehiro
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 19 (6), 805-814, 2001
First Cretaceous fish fauna from Malaysia
YH Teng, M Sone, R Hirayama, M Yoshida, T Komatsu, S Khamha, ...
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 39 (1), e1573735, 2019
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