Rushingisha George
Rushingisha George
Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI)
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Effects of temperature and hypoxia on respiration, photorespiration, and photosynthesis of seagrass leaves from contrasting temperature regimes
LM Rasmusson, P Buapet, R George, M Gullström, PCB Gunnarsson, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (6), 2056-2065, 2020
High midday temperature stress has stronger effects on biomass than on photosynthesis: a mesocosm experiment on four tropical seagrass species
R George, M Gullström, MM Mangora, MSP Mtolera, M Björk
Ecology and Evolution 8 (9), 4508-4517, 2018
Methane emission and sulfide levels increase in tropical seagrass sediments during temperature stress: A mesocosm experiment
R George, M Gullström, MSP Mtolera, TJ Lyimo, M Björk
Ecology and evolution 10 (4), 1917-1928, 2020
Estimation of a whole plant Q10 to assess seagrass productivity during temperature shifts
LM Rasmusson, M Gullström, PCB Gunnarsson, R George, M Björk
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 12667, 2019
Seagrass restoration in a high-energy environment in the Western Indian Ocean
J Wegoro, S Pamba, R George, Y Shaghude, J Hollander, B Lugendo
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 278, 108119, 2022
Effect of seagrass cover loss on seawater carbonate chemistry: Implications for the potential of seagrass meadows to mitigate ocean acidification
S Job, B Sekadende, G Yona, R George, BR Lugendo, IA Kimirei
Regional Studies in Marine Science 60, 102816, 2023
Tidal cycle and time of day control pH levels in coastal habitats of the western Indian Ocean: the case of Mnazi and Chwaka Bays in Tanzania
R George, BR Lugendo
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 21 (2), 141-150, 2022
Effects of calcification on air-water CO2 fluxes in tropical seagrass meadows: A mesocosm experiment
RO Ismail, ME Asplund, M Gullström, R George, M Dahl, AS Buriyo, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 561, 151864, 2023
Marine organisms response to climate change effects in the Western Indian Ocean
J Hollander, O Linden, M Gudka, M Duncan, D Obura, N James, ...
Journal of Indian Ocean Rim Studies 3 (1), 33-59, 2020
Seagrasses in warming oceans: physiological and biogeochemical responses
R George
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University, 2019
High-frequency dynamics of pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature in the coastal ecosystems of the Tanga-Pemba Seascape: implications for upwelling-enhanced ocean acidification …
R George, S Job, M Semba, E Monga, B Lugendo, AO Tuda, I Kimirei
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1286870, 2024
Seasonal fish larvae abundance and composition in seagrass habitats of coastal East Africa
N Ngisiange, B Tarimo, L Daudi, S Mwangi, F Malesa, R George, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 11203, 2024
Paradox incentive structures and rules governing sharing of coastal and marine data in Kenya and Tanzania: Lessons for the Western Indian Ocean
D Schwindenhammer, J Francis, M Gudka, H Kegler, C Muhando, ...
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 33-46, 2022
Rising Climate Risk and Loss and Damage to Coastal Subsistence-oriented Livelihoods
J Maina, EF Asamoah, S D'Agata, M Gamoyo, P Rakoto, R George, ...
Under Review at Nature Portfolio, 2023
Seasonal variability of fish larvae abundance and composition in seagrass meadows of coastal East Africa
N Ndisiange, B Tarimo, L Daudi, S Mwangi, F Malesa, R George, ...
Strengthening regional regulatory frameworks and national capacity for handling marine biodiversity data in the Western Indian Ocean
H Kegler, R George, T Mwangi, D Obura, A Tuda, D Msangameno, ...
WIO Science-Policy Platform Series 1 (1), 51-55, 2022
Plant productivity, community composition and carbon import are key drivers of air-water CO2 fluxes in a tropical seagrass meadow: implications for blue carbon science
RO Ismail, ME Asplund, M Gullström, R George, M Dahl, AS Buriyo, ...
Calcifying algae modify the air-sea flux of CO2 in tropical seagrass meadows
R Ismail, M Asplund, R George, A Buriyo, M Gullström, M Björk
Seagrass productivity during temperature variations: estimation of a whole plant Q10 for respiration and photosynthesis in Zostera marina
L Rasmusson, M Gullström, P Gunnarsson, R George, M Björk
Seagrass cover reduces emissions of methane, nitrous oxide and sulphide levels in organic rich tropical seagrass sediments during daytime
R George, M Gullström, M Mtolera, M Björk
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Articles 1–20