Articles avec mandats d'accès public - Fabien TeytaudEn savoir plus
Disponibles quelque part : 4
Versatile black-box optimization
J Liu, A Moreau, M Preuss, J Rapin, B Roziere, F Teytaud, O Teytaud
Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 620-628, 2020
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evolgan: Evolutionary generative adversarial networks
B Roziere, F Teytaud, V Hosu, H Lin, J Rapin, M Zameshina, O Teytaud
Proceedings of the asian conference on computer vision, 2020
Exigences : German Research Foundation
Improving nevergrad’s algorithm selection wizard ngopt through automated algorithm configuration
R Trajanov, A Nikolikj, G Cenikj, F Teytaud, M Videau, O Teytaud, ...
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 18-31, 2022
Exigences : Slovenian Research Agency, Government of Spain
Guided-Generative Network for noise detection in Monte-Carlo rendering
J Buisine, F Teytaud, S Delepoulle, C Renaud
2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2021
Exigences : Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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