Jean Talandier
Jean Talandier
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Fundamental aspects of the hydromechanical behaviour of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone: from experimental studies to model calibration and validation
G Armand, N Conil, J Talandier, DM Seyedi
Computers and Geotechnics 85, 277-286, 2017
Corrosion modelling of iron based alloy in nuclear waste repository
C Bataillon, F Bouchon, C Chainais-Hillairet, C Desgranges, E Hoarau, ...
Electrochimica Acta 55 (15), 4451-4467, 2010
Water retention and gas relative permeability of two industrial concretes
W Chen, J Liu, F Brue, F Skoczylas, CA Davy, X Bourbon, J Talandier
Cement and Concrete Research 42 (7), 1001-1013, 2012
Gas and water flow in an excavation-induced fracture network around an underground drift: a case study for a radioactive waste repository in clay rock
R de La Vaissière, G Armand, J Talandier
Journal of Hydrology 521, 141-156, 2015
Gas permeability of a compacted bentonite–sand mixture: coupled effects of water content, dry density, and confining pressure
JF Liu, F Skoczylas, J Talandier
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52 (8), 1159-1167, 2015
Gas flow in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone (COx): results from laboratory and field-scale measurements
JF Harrington, R de La Vaissière, DJ Noy, RJ Cuss, J Talandier
Mineralogical Magazine 76 (8), 3303-3318, 2012
Multi-scale pore structure of COx claystone: Towards the prediction of fluid transport
Y Song, CA Davy, D Troadec, AM Blanchenet, F Skoczylas, J Talandier, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 65, 63-82, 2015
Water retention properties of the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
M Wan, P Delage, AM Tang, J Talandier
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 64, 96-104, 2013
An unsaturated hydro-mechanical modelling of two in-situ experiments in Callovo-Oxfordian argillite
R Charlier, F Collin, B Pardoen, J Talandier, JP Radu, P Gerard
Engineering geology 165, 46-63, 2013
The status of water in swelling shales: an insight from the water retention properties of the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
H Menaceur, P Delage, AM Tang, J Talandier
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 4571-4586, 2016
Competing effects of volume change and water uptake on the water retention behaviour of a compacted MX-80 bentonite/sand mixture
C Gatabin, J Talandier, F Collin, R Charlier, AC Dieudonné
Applied Clay Science 121, 57-62, 2016
Effect of gas pressure on the sealing efficiency of compacted bentonite–sand plugs
JF Liu, CA Davy, J Talandier, F Skoczylas
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 170, 10-27, 2014
Mechanical behavior of claystone in lateral decompression test and thermal effect
Z Liu, J Shao, S Xie, N Conil, J Talandier
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, 321-334, 2019
How rock samples can be representative of in situ condition: A case study of Callovo-Oxfordian claystones
N Conil, J Talandier, H Djizanne, R de La Vaissière, C Righini-Waz, ...
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (4), 613-623, 2018
Permeability evolution and water transfer in the excavation damaged zone of a ventilated gallery
B Pardoen, J Talandier, F Collin
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 85, 192-208, 2016
The COUPLEX test cases: Nuclear waste disposal simulation
A Bourgeat, M Kern, S Schumacher, J Talandier
Computational Geosciences 8, 83-98, 2004
Gas transport properties through intact and fractured Callovo-Oxfordian mudstones
JF Harrington, RJ Cuss, J Talandier
Investigation of swelling pressure of bentonite/claystone mixture in the full range of bentonite fraction
Z Zeng, YJ Cui, F Zhang, N Conil, J Talandier
Applied Clay Science 178, 105137, 2019
Pore gas connectivity analysis in Callovo-Oxfordian argillite
PF Boulin, R Angulo-Jaramillo, JF Daian, J Talandier, P Berne
Applied clay science 42 (1-2), 276-283, 2008
Experimental study on swelling behaviour and microstructure changes of natural stiff Teguline clays upon wetting
LL Zeng, YJ Cui, N Conil, J Zghondi, G Armand, J Talandier
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 54 (5), 700-709, 2017
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