ОО Дмитренко, OO Dmytrenko
ОО Дмитренко, OO Dmytrenko
Institute for Information Recording of NAS of Ukraine
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Citée par
Dynamic model with super spreaders and lurker users for preferential information propagation analysis
M Fu, J Feng, D Lande, O Dmytrenko, D Manko, R Prakapovich
Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications 561, 125266, 2021
Integration of complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with deep long short-term memory model for particulate matter concentration prediction
M Fu, C Le, T Fan, R Prakapovich, D Manko, O Dmytrenko, D Lande, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 64818-64829, 2021
Subject domain models of jurisprudence according to google scholar scientometrics data
D Lande, O Dmytrenko, O Radziievska
CEUR workshop proceedings, 32-43, 2020
Using Part-of-Speech Tagging for Building Networks of Terms in Legal Sphere.
DV Lande, OO Dmytrenko
COLINS, 87-97, 2021
Determining the directions of links in undirected networks of terms
D Lande, O Dmytrenko, O Radziievska
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 132-145, 2019
Creating directed weighted network of terms based on analysis of text corpora
D Lande, O Dmytrenko
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent …, 2020
Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods to Detect DoS/DDoS Attacks on IoT.
L Galchynsky, M Graivoronskyi, OO Dmytrenko
ITS, 225-236, 2021
Transformation texts into complex network with applying visability graphs algorithms
DV Lande, OO Dmytrenko, AA Snarskii
Информационные технологии и безопасность, 20-33, 2018
Relaxation time in complex network
D Lande, A Snarskii, O Dmytrenko, I Subach
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability …, 2020
Method for searching of an optimal scenario of impact in cognitive maps during information operations recognition
O Dmytrenko, D Lande, O Andriichuk
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems: Selected Papers of 14th …, 2020
Побудова онтологій в галузі права за даними сервісу Google Scholar
ДВ Ланде, ОО Дмитренко, ОГ Радзієвська
Інформація і право, 74-85, 2019
Methodology for Extracting of Key Words and Phrases and Building Directed Weighted Networks of Terms with Using Part-of-speech Tagging.
DV Lande, OO Dmytrenko
ITS, 168-177, 2020
Extracting and Identifying Relationships of Key Phrases in Information Flows
M Zgurovsky, D Lande, K Yefremov, O Dmytrenko, A Boldak, A Soboliev
2022 IEEE 3rd International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent …, 2022
Побудова направлених зважених мереж термінів із застосуванням Part-of-speech tagging
ОО Дмитренко
Реєстрація, зберігання і обробка даних 22 (4), 47-55, 2020
Метод накопичувального впливу для аналізу когнітивних карт
ОО Дмитренко, ДВ Ланде
Редакційна колегія: Бідюк ПІ, д. т. н., проф., ІПСА, КПІ ім. Ігоря …, 0
Побудова семантичних мереж та визначення ступеня розбіжності текстів
ДВ Ланде, ОО Дмитренко
Інформація і право, 44-51, 2022
Handling with a microservice failure and adopting retries
O Dmytrenko, M Skulysh
КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022
Intelligent technologies in information retrieval systems
D Lande, A Soboliev, O Dmytrenko
Artificial intelligence, 260-268, 2022
Research of Topological Properties of Network Reflections Obtained Using Different Algorithms for Scanning Initial Networks
D Lande, O Dmytrenko
International scientific-practical conference, 347-361, 2021
Algorithm for determining the mutual impact of nodes in weighted directed graphs
D Lande, O Dmytrenko, M Fu, M Hu, D Manko, A Snarskii
Soft Computing 25, 1465-1478, 2021
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Articles 1–20