Barbara Prainsack
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Personalized Medicine: Empowered Patients in the 21st Century? [book]
B Prainsack
NYU Press, 2017
Solidarity: reflections on an emerging concept in bioethics
B Prainsack, A Buyx
Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2011
Solidarity in Biomedicine and Beyond [book]
B Prainsack, A Buyx
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Statement on artificial intelligence, robotics and ‘autonomous’ systems [Report to the European Commission]
EGESN Technologies
Publications Office of the European Union, 2018, 2018
Beyond individualism: Is there a place for relational autonomy in clinical practice and research?
ES Dove, SE Kelly, F Lucivero, M Machirori, S Dheensa, B Prainsack
Clinical ethics 12 (3), 150-165, 2017
Integrating artificial intelligence into the clinical practice of radiology: challenges and recommendations
MP Recht, M Dewey, K Dreyer, C Langlotz, W Niessen, B Prainsack, ...
European radiology 30 (6), 3576-3584, 2020
Face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic: a simple protection tool with many meanings
L Martinelli, V Kopilaš, M Vidmar, C Heavin, H Machado, Z Todorović, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 8, 606635, 2021
Solidarity in contemporary Bioethics–towards a new approach
B Prainsack, A Buyx
Bioethics 26 (7), 343-350, 2012
Genetic suspects: global governance of forensic DNA profiling and databasing [book]
BP RA Hindmarsh
Cambridge University Press, 2010
The Use of Forensic DNA Phenotyping in Predicting Appearance and Biogeographic Ancestry
PM Schneider, B Prainsack, M Kayser
Deutsches Arzteblatt international 51 (51-52), 873-880, 2019
The future of technologies for personalised medicine
A Harvey, A Brand, ST Holgate, LV Kristiansen, H Lehrach, A Palotie, ...
New Biotechnology 29 (6), 625-633, 2012
A solidarity-based approach to the governance of research biobanks
B Prainsack, A Buyx
Medical law review 21 (1), 71-91, 2013
Personal genomes: misdirected precaution
B Prainsack, J Reardon, R Hindmarsh, H Gottweis, U Naue, JE Lunshof
Nature 456 (7218), 34-35, 2008
Logged out: Ownership, exclusion and public value in the digital data and information commons
B Prainsack
Big Data & Society 6 (1), 2053951719829773, 2019
‘Negotiating Life’The Regulation of Human Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Israel
B Prainsack
Social studies of science 36 (2), 173-205, 2006
Global public perceptions of genomic data sharing: what shapes the willingness to donate DNA and health data?
A Middleton, R Milne, MA Almarri, S Anwer, J Atutornu, EE Baranova, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 107 (4), 743-752, 2020
The “We” in the “Me” Solidarity and Health Care in the Era of Personalized Medicine
B Prainsack
Science, Technology, & Human Values 43 (1), 21-44, 2018
A survey of UK public interest in internet-based personal genome testing
LF Cherkas, JM Harris, E Levinson, TD Spector, B Prainsack
PLoS One 5 (10), e13473, 2010
A look into the future of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: an expert consultation
EN Iftekhar, V Priesemann, R Balling, S Bauer, P Beutels, AC Valdez, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 8, 2021
An action plan for pan-European defence against new SARS-CoV-2 variants
V Priesemann, R Balling, MM Brinkmann, S Ciesek, T Czypionka, ...
The Lancet 397 (10273), 469-470, 2021
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