Cong Liu
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Cross‐national job stress: a quantitative and qualitative study
C Liu, PE Spector, L Shi
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2007
The relation of job control with job strains: A comparison of multiple data sources
C Liu, P E Spector, S M Jex
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 78 (3), 325-336, 2005
Measurement equivalence of the German Job Satisfaction Survey used in a multinational organization: implications of Schwartz's culture model.
C Liu, I Borg, PE Spector
Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (6), 1070, 2004
Use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to study job stress in different gender and occupational groups.
C Liu, PE Spector, L Shi
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 13 (4), 357, 2008
Ineffective leadership and employees’ negative outcomes: The mediating effect of anxiety and depression.
LS Pyc, DP Meltzer, C Liu
International journal of stress management 24 (2), 196, 2017
Methodological and substantive issues in conducting multinational and cross-cultural research
PE Spector, C Liu, JI Sanchez
Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav. 2 (1), 101-131, 2015
Work, stress, coping, and stress management
S Glazer, C Liu
Oxford Research encyclopedia of psychology, 2017
Stressors and stressor appraisals: The moderating effect of task efficacy
C Liu, H Li
Journal of Business and Psychology 33, 141-154, 2018
Employee popularity mediates the relationship between political skill and workplace interpersonal mistreatment
KL Cullen, J Fan, C Liu
Journal of Management 40 (6), 1760-1778, 2014
Job stressors, job performance, job dedication, and the moderating effect of conscientiousness: A mixed-method approach.
C Liu, Y Liu, MJ Mills, J Fan
International Journal of Stress Management 20 (4), 336, 2013
Examining the mediating effect of supervisor conflict on procedural injustice–job strain relations: The function of power distance.
C Liu, LQ Yang, MM Nauta
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 18 (1), 64, 2013
A cross‐national examination of self‐efficacy as a moderator of autonomy/job strain relationships
MM Nauta, C Liu, C Li
Applied Psychology 59 (1), 159-179, 2010
Workplace social self-efficacy: Concept, measure, and initial validity evidence
J Fan, RC Litchfield, S Islam, B Weiner, M Alexander, C Liu, S Kulviwat
Journal of Career Assessment 21 (1), 91-110, 2013
Direct and indirect conflicts at work in China and the US: A cross-cultural comparison
C Liu, MM Nauta, PE Spector, C Li
Work & Stress 22 (4), 295-313, 2008
Validation of a US adult social self-efficacy inventory in Chinese populations 1Ψ7
J Fan, H Meng, X Gao, FJ Lopez, C Liu
The Counseling Psychologist 38 (4), 473-496, 2010
The interaction of job autonomy and conflict with supervisor in China and the United States: A qualitative and quantitative comparison.
C Liu, PE Spector, Y Liu, L Shi
International Journal of Stress Management 18 (3), 222, 2011
Cross-sectional data
C Liu
Encyclopedia of survey research methods 2, 170-171, 2008
Be mindful of what you impose on your colleagues: Implications of social burden for burdenees' well‐being, attitudes and counterproductive work behaviour
LQ Yang, C Liu, MM Nauta, DE Caughlin, PE Spector
Stress and Health 32 (1), 70-83, 2016
International and cross cultural issues
C Liu, PE Spector
Handbook of work stress, 487-515, 2005
How do employees appraise challenge and hindrance stressors? Uncovering the double-edged effect of conscientiousness.
J Ma, C Liu, Y Peng, X Xu
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 26 (3), 243, 2021
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