Ionel Ciucanu
Ionel Ciucanu
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A simple and rapid method for the permethylation of carbohydrates
I Ciucanu, F Kerek
Carbohydrate research 131 (2), 209-217, 1984
Elimination of oxidative degradation during the per-O-methylation of carbohydrates
I Ciucanu, CE Costello
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (52), 16213-16219, 2003
Per-O-methylation reaction for structural analysis of carbohydrates by mass spectrometry
I Ciucanu
Analytica chimica acta 576 (2), 147-155, 2006
Rapid and simultaneous methylation of fatty and hydroxy fatty acids for gas—liquid chromatographic analysis
I Ciucanu, F Kerek
Journal of Chromatography A 284, 179-185, 1984
Per-O-methylation of neutral carbohydrates directly from aqueous samples for gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis
I Ciucanu, R Caprita
Analytica chimica acta 585 (1), 81-85, 2007
Immobilization of peralkylated β-cyclodextrin on silica gel for high-performance liquid chromatography
I Ciucanu, WA König
Journal of Chromatography A 685 (1), 166-171, 1994
Selective immobilization on silica gel of permethylated β-cyclodextrin for liquid chromatography
I Ciucanu
Journal of Chromatography A 727 (2), 195-201, 1996
Micro-solid phase extraction with helical-solid-sorbent in the presence of organic solvent for gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of per-O-methylated mono-and …
I Ciucanu, KC Swallow, R Căpriţă
Analytica chimica acta 519 (1), 93-101, 2004
Predictive models for fast and effective profiling of kinase inhibitors
A Bora, S Avram, I Ciucanu, M Raica, S Avram
Journal of chemical information and modeling 56 (5), 895-905, 2016
Helical sorbent for fast sorption and desorption in solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatographic analysis
I Ciucanu
Analytical chemistry 74 (21), 5501-5506, 2002
Continuous monitoring of thermooxidative degradation products of polystyrene by membrane extraction with sorbent interface and gas chromatography
I Ciucanu, M Kaykhaii, L Montero, J Pawliszyn, J Szubra
Journal of chromatographic science 40 (6), 350-354, 2002
Helical sorbent microtrap for continuous sampling by a membrane and trap interface for on-line gas chromatographic monitoring of volatile organic compounds
I Ciucanu, A Caprita, A Chiriac, R Barna
Analytical chemistry 75 (4), 736-741, 2003
Membrane and trap system for continuous monitoring of volatile organic compounds using a portable gas chromatograph with thermal conductivity detector
I Ciucanu, A Chiriac
Journal of separation science 25 (7), 447-452, 2002
Selective and fast methylation of free fatty acids directly in plasma for their individual analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
CI Ciucanu, DC Vlad, I Ciucanu, V Dumitraşcu
Journal of chromatography A 1624, 461259, 2020
Analysis of solid binary systems containing simvastatin
I Ledeti, G Vlase, I Ciucanu, T Olariu, A Fulias, LM Suta, I Belu
Rev Chim 66 (2), 240-3, 2015
Design of continuous‐monitoring device based on membrane extraction with sorbent interface and micro‐gas chromatograph
I Ciucanu, J Pawliszyn
Field Analytical Chemistry & Technology 5 (1‐2), 69-74, 2001
Avoidance of degradation during the methylation of uronic acids
I Ciucanu, C Luca
Carbohydrate research 206 (1), 71-77, 1990
Peralkylation of pentaerythritol for gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric analysis
I Ciucanu, P Gabris
Chromatographia 23 (8), 574-578, 1987
Instrumental analysis of potential lovastatin—excipient interactions in preformulation studies
I Ledeti, G Vlase, T Vlase, I Ciucanu, T Olariu, A Todea, A Fulias, LM Suta
Rev Chim (Bucharest) 66 (6), 879-882, 2015
Selektive gaschromatographische bestimmung der freien fettsäuren aus lipidgemischen
I Ciucanu, F Kerek
Journal of Chromatography A 257, 101-106, 1983
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