marinus van der gaag
marinus van der gaag
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How effective is intermittent chlorination to control adult mussel fouling in cooling water systems?
S Rajagopal, G Van der Velde, M Van der Gaag, HA Jenner
Water research 37 (2), 329-338, 2003
Upper temperature tolerances of exotic brackish-water mussel, Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Conrad): An experimental study
S Rajagopal, M Van der Gaag, G Van der Velde, HA Jenner
Marine Environmental Research 60 (4), 512-530, 2005
Nutrient availability in Corsican pine stands in The Netherlands and the occurrence of Sphaeropsis sapinea: a field study
HFG Dijk, MV Gaag, PJM Perik, JGM Roelofs
Canadian Journal of Botany 70 (4), 870-875, 1992
Thermal tolerance of the invasive oyster Crassostrea gigas: Feasibility of heat treatment as an antifouling option
S Rajagopal, G Van der Velde, J Jansen, M Van der Gaag, G Atsma, ...
Water Research 39 (18), 4335-4342, 2005
Control of Brackish Water Fouling Mussel, Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Conrad), with Sodium Hypochlorite
S Rajagopal, M Van der Gaag, G Van der Velde, HA Jenner
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 43, 0296-0300, 2002
Factors influencing the upper temperature tolerances of three mussel species in a brackish water canal: size, season and laboratory protocols
S Rajagopal, G Van der Velde, M Van der Gaag, HA Jenner
Biofouling 21 (2), 87-97, 2005
Byssal detachment underestimates tolerance of mussels to toxic compounds
S Rajagopal, G Van der Velde, M Van der Gaag, HA Jenner
Marine pollution bulletin 50 (1), 20-29, 2005
Salinity as a barrier for ship hull-related dispersal and invasiveness of dreissenid and mytilid bivalves
M van der Gaag, G van der Velde, S Wijnhoven, RSEW Leuven
Marine Biology 163, 1-13, 2016
Effects of temperature, salinity and agitation on byssus thread formation of zebra musselDreissena polymorpha
S Rajagopal, G Van der Velde, HA Jenner, M Van der Gaag, AJ Kempers
Netherland Journal of Aquatic Ecology 30, 187-195, 1996
Laboratory Evaluation of the Toxicity of Chlorine to the Fouling Hydroid Cordylophora caspia
S Rajagopal, G Van der Velde, M Van der Gaag, HA Jenner
Biofouling 18 (1), 57-64, 2002
Cadmium, zinc and copper in the body, byssus and shell of the mussels, Mytilopsis leucophaeta and Dreissena polymorpha in the brackish Noordzeekanaal of the Netherlands
G Van der Velde, K Hermus, M Van der Gaag, HA Jenner
The zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha 4, 213-226, 1992
Are social phobia and paranoia related, and which comes first?
J Rietdijk, J Van Os, R Graaf, P Delespaul, M Gaag
Psychosis 1 (1), 29-38, 2009
Settlement, seasonal size distribution, and growth of the invasive bivalve Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Conrad, 1831)(Dreissenidae) in relation to environmental factors
M Van Der Gaag, G Van Der Velde, RSEW Leuven
Journal of Shellfish Research 36 (2), 417-426, 2017
Temperature dependent larval occurrence and spat settlement of the invasive brackish water bivalve Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Conrad, 1831)(Dreissenidae)
M Van der Gaag, G Van der Velde, S Wijnhoven, S Rajagopal
Journal of Sea Research 87, 30-34, 2014
Sublethal responses of zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha to low-level chlorination: an experimental study
S Rajagopal, G Van der Velde, M Van der Gaag, HA Jenner
Biofouling 18 (2), 95-104, 2002
Trophic relationships in Dutch reservoirs recently invaded by Ponto-Caspian species: Insights from fish trends and stable isotope analysis
Y Verstijnen, E Lucassen, M van der Gaag, AJ Wagenvoort, ...
Growth, survival, and mortality of juvenile and adult Alien Conrad's false mussel Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Conrad, 1831)(Mollusca, Bivalvia, Dreissenidae) in a Brackish Canal
M Van Der Gaag, G Van Der Velde, FPL Collas, RSEW Leuven
Journal of Shellfish Research 37 (1), 139-147, 2018
Relapse prevention in patients with schizophrenia
B Meijel, M Gaag, RS Kahn, MHF Grypdonck
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 17 (3), 117-125, 2003
De exotische trompetkalkkokerworm (Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel)), een nieuwe kolonisator in het Noordzeekanaal
G Van der Velde, M Van der Gaag, HA Ten Hove
Zeepaard 53, 62-70, 1993
Settlement and Growth of Barnacles, Balanus Improvisos Darwin, 1854, in the Brackish Noordzeekanaal, the Netherlands
M Van der Gaag, S Rajagopal, G van der Velde, HA Jenner
Crustaceans and the Biodiversity Crisis, 663-674, 1999
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