Atlas de animais aquáticos perigosos do Brasil: guia médico de identificação e tratamento V Haddad Jr São Paulo, Editora Roca, 145, 2000 | 201* | 2000 |
Census of Cnidaria (Medusozoa) and Ctenophora from south American marine waters OMP Oliveira, TP Miranda, EM Araujo, P Ayon, CM Cedeño Posso, ... Magnolia Press, 2016 | 114 | 2016 |
The nuisance of medusae (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) to shrimp trawls in central part of southern Brazilian Bight, from the perspective of artisanal fishermen RM Nagata, MA Haddad, M Nogueira Jr Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 4 (3), 312-325, 2009 | 92 | 2009 |
Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude GV Ashton, AL Freestone, JE Duffy, ME Torchin, BJ Sewall, B Tracy, ... Science 376 (6598), 1215-1219, 2022 | 67 | 2022 |
Substrate type as a selective tool against colonization by non-native sessile invertebrates LC Cangussu, L Altvater, MA Haddad, AC Cabral, HL Heyse, RM Rocha Brazilian Journal of oceanography 58, 219-231, 2010 | 66 | 2010 |
Fouling behavior of microstructured hollow fibers in cross-flow filtrations: Critical flux determination and direct visual observation of particle deposition PZ Çulfaz, M Haddad, M Wessling, RGH Lammertink Journal of membrane science 372 (1-2), 210-218, 2011 | 65 | 2011 |
Rapid assessment survey for exotic benthic species in the São Sebastião Channel, Brazil AC Marques, A dos Santos Klôh, AE Migotto, AC Cabral, APR Rigo, ... Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 41 (2), 265-285, 2013 | 59 | 2013 |
Glyco-and sphingophosphonolipids from the medusa Phyllorhiza punctata: NMR and ESI-MS/MS fingerprints LM de Souza, M Iacomini, PAJ Gorin, RS Sari, MA Haddad, GL Sassaki Chemistry and physics of lipids 145 (2), 85-96, 2007 | 57 | 2007 |
Reappearance and seasonality of Phyllorhiza punctata von Lendenfeld (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae) medusae in southern Brazil MA Haddad, M Nogueira Júnior Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 23, 824-831, 2006 | 57 | 2006 |
New and little-known cheilostomatous Bryozoa from the south and southeastern Brazilian continental shelf and slope LM Vieira, DP Gordon, FBC Souza, MA Haddad Zootaxa 2722 (1), 1–53-1–53, 2010 | 47 | 2010 |
Lychnorhiza lucerna Haeckel (Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae) and Libinia ferreirae Brito Capello (Decapoda, Majidae) association in southern Brazil M Nogueira Júnior, MA Haddad Revista brasileira de Zoologia 22, 908-912, 2005 | 42 | 2005 |
A probably invasive new genus and new species of soft coral (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Clavulariidae) from Brazil LP Van Ofwegen, MA Haddad Zootaxa 3107 (1), 38-46, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Seasonal variation of macromedusae (Cnidaria) at North Bay, Florianópolis, southern Brazil M Nogueira Júnior, RM Nagata, MA Haddad Zoologia (Curitiba) 27, 377-386, 2010 | 36 | 2010 |
The diet of cubomedusae (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Brazil M Nogueira Júnior, MA Haddad Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 56, 157-164, 2008 | 36 | 2008 |
Cnidaria MA Haddad, AC Marques Zoologia. Estado da arte e perspectivas. Editora da UFPR, Curitiba, 29-48, 2009 | 27 | 2009 |
Spatial and temporal variation of planktonic cnidarian density in subtropical waters of the Southern Brazilian Bight RM Nagata, MN Júnior, FP Brandini, MA Haddad Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 94 (7 …, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Macromedusae (Cnidaria) from the Paraná coast, southern Brazil M Nogueira Jr, MA Haddad Journal of Coastal Research, 1161-1164, 2006 | 26 | 2006 |
Faunistic survey of Hydromedusae (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) from the coast of Paraná State, Southern Brazil RM Nagata, MN Júnior, MA Haddad Zootaxa 3768 (3), 291–326-291–326, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Fauna de hidroides (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) da região de Bombinhas, Santa Catarina, Brasil TP Miranda, MA Haddad, V Shimabukuro, J Dubiaski-Silva, AC Marques Biota Neotropica 11, 331-353, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Organic contamination as a driver of structural changes of hydroid's assemblages of the coral reefs near to Havana Harbour, Cuba S Castellanos-Iglesias, AC Cabral, CC Martins, M Di Domenico, ... Marine pollution bulletin 133, 568-577, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |