andre gustavo pereira de andrade
andre gustavo pereira de andrade
Professor do Departamento de Esportes, UFMG
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Analysis of lower limb asymmetries by isokinetic and vertical jump tests in soccer players
HJ Menzel, MH Chagas, LA Szmuchrowski, SRS Araujo, AGP de Andrade, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 27 (5), 1370-1377, 2013
More electricity in the air: Toward optimized electrical networks embedded in more-electrical aircraft
X Roboam, B Sareni, A De Andrade
IEEE industrial electronics magazine 6 (4), 6-17, 2012
Understanding player load: Meanings and limitations
SGT Bredt, MH Chagas, GH Peixoto, HJ Menzel, AGP de Andrade
Journal of human kinetics 71, 5, 2020
Validação das propriedades psicométricas do RESTQ-Coach na versão brasileira
VT Costa, CMA Gomes, AGP Andrade, DM Samulski
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 18, 218-232, 2012
Network analysis in small-sided and conditioned soccer games: The influence of additional players and playing position
GM Praca, FM Clemente, AGP de Andrade, JCP Morales, PJ Greco
Kinesiology 49 (2), 185-193, 2017
Influence of match status on players’ prominence and teams’ network properties during 2018 FIFA World Cup
GM Praça, BB Lima, SGT Bredt, RBE Sousa, FM Clemente, AGP Andrade
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 695, 2019
Influence of additional players on collective tactical behavior in small-sided soccer games
GM Praça, H Folgado, AGP Andrade, PJ Greco
Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano 18 (1), 62-71, 2016
Longer repetition duration increases muscle activation and blood lactate response in matched resistance training protocols
HC Martins-Costa, RCR Diniz, FV Lima, SC Machado, RSV Almeida, ...
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 22, 35-41, 2016
Physical and physiological demands of basketball small-sided games: the influence of defensive and time pressures
S Bredt, J Torres, L Diniz, GM Praça, A Andrade, J Morales, T Rosso, ...
Biology of sport 37 (2), 131-138, 2020
Can motivation and overtraining predict burnout in professional soccer athletes in different periods of the season?
LHS Fagundes, F Noce, MR Albuquerque, AGP de Andrade, ...
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 19 (2), 279-294, 2021
Reliability of physical, physiological and tactical measures in small-sided soccer Games with numerical equality and numerical superiority
SGT Bredt, GM Praça, LS Figueiredo, LV Paula, PCR Silva, AGP Andrade, ...
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano 18, 602-610, 2016
Tactical behavior in soccer small-sided games: influence of tactical knowledge and numerical superiority
GM Praça, CLA Costa, FF Costa, AGP Andrade
Journal of Physical Education 27, 2017
Brain temperature in spontaneously hypertensive rats during physical exercise in temperate and warm environments
LR Drummond, AC Kunstetter, FF Vaz, HO Campos, AGP Andrade, ...
PLoS One 11 (5), e0155919, 2016
Small-sided soccer games with larger relative areas result in higher physical and physiological responses: a systematic and meta-analytical review
GM Praça, MH Chagas, SGT Bredt, AGP de Andrade
Journal of Human Kinetics 81, 163, 2022
Multi-level integrated optimal design for power systems of more electric aircraft
H Ounis, B Sareni, X Roboam, A De Andrade
Mathematics and computers in simulation 130, 223-235, 2016
Estudio longitudinal de la flexibilidad funcional en mayores físicamente activos
M Matos-Duarte, V Martínez-de-Haro, I Sanz-Arribas, AGP Andrade, ...
Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del …, 2017
Correlation between running asymmetry, mechanical efficiency, and performance during a 10 km run
CC Melo, FP Carpes, TM Vieira, TT Mendes, LV de Paula, MH Chagas, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 109, 109913, 2020
Avaliação da qualidade de vida de policiais militares
MJ Souza Filho, F Noce, AGP Andrade, RM Calixto, MR Albuquerque, ...
R Bras Ci e Mov 23 (4), 159-69, 2015
Integrating notational and positional analysis to investigate tactical behavior in offensive and defensive phases of football matches
GM Praça, PED Moreira, AGP de Andrade, FM Clemente, WB de Oliveira, ...
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part P: Journal of …, 2022
TDCS of the primary motor cortex: Learning the absolute dimension of a complex motor task
JO Parma, VLS Profeta, AGP Andrade, GM Lage, T Apolinário-Souza
Journal of Motor Behavior 53 (4), 431-444, 2021
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