Zhi Li
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Solution-processed and high-performance organic solar cells using small molecules with a benzodithiophene unit
J Zhou, Y Zuo, X Wan, G Long, Q Zhang, W Ni, Y Liu, Z Li, G He, C Li, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (23), 8484-8487, 2013
Small molecules based on benzo [1, 2-b: 4, 5-b′] dithiophene unit for high-performance solution-processed organic solar cells
J Zhou, X Wan, Y Liu, Y Zuo, Z Li, G He, G Long, W Ni, C Li, X Su, Y Chen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (39), 16345-16351, 2012
Solution Processable Rhodanine‐Based Small Molecule Organic Photovoltaic Cells with a Power Conversion Efficiency of 6.1%
Z Li, G He, X Wan, Y Liu, J Zhou, G Long, Y Zuo, M Zhang, Y Chen
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (1), 74-77, 2012
A planar small molecule with dithienosilole core for high efficiency solution-processed organic photovoltaic cells
J Zhou, X Wan, Y Liu, G Long, F Wang, Z Li, Y Zuo, C Li, Y Chen
Chemistry of Materials 23 (21), 4666-4668, 2011
Robot-Accelerated Perovskite Investigation and Discovery
Z Li, MA Najeeb, L Alves, AZ Sherman, V Shekar, P Cruz Parrilla, ...
Chemistry of Materials, 2020
Competitive Absorption and Inefficient Exciton Harvesting: Lessons Learned from Bulk Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics Utilizing the Polymer Acceptor P(NDI2OD-T2)
Z Li, JDA Lin, H Phan, A Sharenko, CM Proctor, P Zalar, Z Chen, ...
Advanced Functional Material, 2014
Photoactivated in Vitro Anticancer Activity of Rhenium (I) Tricarbonyl Complexes Bearing Water-Soluble Phosphines
SC Marker, SN MacMillan, WR Zipfel, Z Li, PC Ford, JJ Wilson
Inorganic chemistry 57 (3), 1311-1331, 2018
Efficient small molecule bulk heterojunction solar cells with high fill factors via introduction of π-stacking moieties as end group
G He, Z Li, X Wan, J Zhou, G Long, S Zhang, M Zhang, Y Chen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (5), 1801-1809, 2013
Experiment Specification, Capture and Laboratory Automation Technology (ESCALATE): a software pipeline for automated chemical experimentation and data management
IM Pendleton, G Cattabriga, Z Li, MA Najeeb, SA Friedler, AJ Norquist, ...
MRS Communications, 1-14, 2019
Investigation of Quinquethiophene Derivatives with Different End Groups for High Open Circuit Voltage Solar Cells
G Long, X Wan, B Kan, Y Liu, G He, Z Li, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Q Zhang, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (5), 639-646, 2013
Impact of dye end groups on acceptor–donor–acceptor type molecules for solution-processed photovoltaic cells
G He, Z Li, X Wan, Y Liu, J Zhou, G Long, M Zhang, Y Chen
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (18), 9173-9180, 2012
Toward Thermal Stable and High Photovoltaic Efficiency Ternary Conjugated Copolymers: Influence of Backbone Fluorination and Regioselectivity
J Yuan, MJ Ford, Y Zhang, H Dong, Z Li, Y Li, TQ Nguyen, GC Bazan, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (4), 1758-1768, 2017
Dinuclear PhotoCORMs: Dioxygen-Assisted Carbon Monoxide Uncaging from Long-Wavelength-Absorbing Metal–Metal-Bonded Carbonyl Complexes
Z Li, AE Pierri, PJ Huang, G Wu, AV Iretskii, PC Ford
Inorganic Chemistry 56 (11), 6094-6104, 2017
Dimensional control over metal halide perovskite crystallization guided by active learning
Z Li, PW Nega, MAN Nellikkal, C Dun, M Zeller, JJ Urban, WA Saidi, ...
Chemistry of Materials 34 (2), 756-767, 2022
Improving data and prediction quality of high-throughput perovskite synthesis with model fusion
Y Tang, Z Li, MAN Nellikkal, H Eramian, EM Chan, AJ Norquist, DF Hsu, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 61 (4), 1593-1602, 2021
New emissive mononuclear copper (I) complex: Structural and photophysical characterization focusing on solvatochromism, rigidochromism and oxygen sensing in mesoporous solid matrix
LP Ravaro, AC Mafud, Z Li, E Reinheimer, CA Simone, YP Mascarenhas, ...
Dyes and Pigments 159, 464-470, 2018
Using automated serendipity to discover how trace water promotes and inhibits lead halide perovskite crystal formation
PW Nega, Z Li, V Ghosh, J Thapa, S Sun, NTP Hartono, MAN Nellikkal, ...
Applied Physics Letters 119 (4), 041903, 2021
Impact of fluorinated end groups on the properties of acceptor–donor–acceptor type oligothiophenes for solution-processed photovoltaic cells
G He, X Wan, Z Li, Q Zhang, G Long, Y Liu, Y Hou, M Zhang, Y Chen
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (7), 1337-1345, 2014
Active meta-learning for predicting and selecting perovskite crystallization experiments
V Shekar, G Nicholas, MA Najeeb, M Zeile, V Yu, X Wang, D Slack, Z Li, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (6), 064108, 2022
Organic radicals based on phenalenyl and verdazyl units
Y Hou, H Wang, Z Li, Y Liu, X Wan, X Xue, Y Chen, A Yu
Tetrahedron Letters 52 (28), 3670-3673, 2011
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