Emi Sukiyah
Emi Sukiyah
Fakultas Teknik Geologi Universitas Padjadjaran
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The influence of kaolinite-illite toward mechanical properties of claystone
S Supandi, Z Zakaria, E Sukiyah, A Sudradjat
Open Geosciences 11 (1), 440-446, 2019
Index of active tectonic assessment: quantitative-based geomorphometric and morphotectonic analysis at Way belu drainage basin, Lampung Province, Indonesia
D Gentana, N Sulaksana, E Sukiyah, ET Yuningsih
International Journal of Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology …, 2018
The correlation of exposure time and claystone properties at the Warukin formation Indonesia
Z Zakaria, E Sukiyah, A Sudradjat
GEOMATE Journal 15 (52), 160-167, 2018
Sistem Informasi Geografis: Konsep dan aplikasinya dalam analisis geomorfologi kuantitatif
E Sukiyah
Unpad Press. Edisi 1, 296, 2017
Tectonic geomorphology of upper cimanuk drainage basin, West Java, Indonesia
E Sukiyah, E Sunardi, N Sulaksana, PPR Rendra
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2018
Dampak Limbah Penambangan Emas Tanpa Izin (Peti) Terhadap Kualitas Air Sungai Limun Kabupaten Sarolangun Propinsi Jambi
R Yulianti, E Sukiyah, N Sulaksana
Bulletin of scientific contribution 14 (3), 251-262, 2016
Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis dalam Penetapan Kawasan Rawan Banjir di Kabupaten Bandung Bagian Selatan
E Sukiyah, DH Agus, Z Zufialdi
Bulletin of Scientific Contribution 2 (1), 26-37, 2004
Geo-tourism land suitability analysis of citatah karst area in Bandung basin using spatial multi criteria evaluation (SMCE)
N Rohaendi, E Sukiyah, D Muslim, A Cipta
Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites 39, 1346-1353, 2021
Karakteristik Geomorfologi DAS Cimanuk Bagian Hulu dan Implikasinya terhadap Intensitas Erosi Serta Pendangkalan Waduk Jati Gede
ET Haryanto
Bionatura 15 (2), 2013
New constants of fracture angle on quartz sandstone
ZZ Supandi, E Sukiyah, A Sudradjat
Int J Adv Sci Eng Inf Technol 10 (4), 1597-1603, 2020
Active faults and their implications for regional development at the southern part of West Java, Indonesia
E Sukiyah, I Syafri, JB Winarto, MRB Susilo, A Saputra, E Nurfadli
Proceeding of the 24th Annual scientific conference and exhibitions …, 2016
Grain Size Analysis of Quartenary Sediment from Kendari Basin, Indonesia
AM Yasin, E Sukiyah, V Isnaniawardhani
International journal of science and research 5 (11), 1748-1751, 2016
Morphotectonic and satellite imagery analysis for identifying Quaternary fault at Southern part of Cianjur-Garut region, West Java, Indonesia
E Sukiyah, I Syafri, A Sjafrudin, E Nurfadli, P Khaerani, DPA Simanjuntak
Proceeding The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 2015
The erosion model of the Quaternary volcanic terrain in southern part of Bandung basin
E Sukiyah
Postgraduated Program, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, 2009
Determination of Tanggamus geothermal prospect area, Lampung Province, South Sumatra based on remote sensing and 3D Micromine Software
D Gentana, E Sukiyah, N Sulaksana, ET Yuningsih, L Balia
FIG Work. Week 8871, 399-401, 2017
Karakteristik morfometri dan morfotektonik das cibeet segmen selaawi girijaya dan das cikundul segmen cibadak majalaya, kabupaten cianjur, provinsi jawa barat
A Anfasha, PA Pranantya, E Sukiyah
Bulletin of Scientific Contribution: GEOLOGY 14 (2), 185-194, 2016
Watershed morphometry on quaternary volcanic terrain in southern margin of the Bandung basin: its implication in distribution of flood area
E Sukiyah, A Sudradjat, RF Hirnawan, D Muslim, N Sulaksana, I Syafri, ...
Map Asia conference. Bangkok, 2006
Morphometric Characteristics of Cipeles watershed to identify flood prone area
PPR Rendra, E Sukiyah
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2021
Identification of tectonic deformation using morphometrical analysis of Lamongan volcano complex
ARB Nugroho, E Sukiyah, I Syafri, V Isnaniawardhani
GEoMatE Journal 19 (71), 55-60, 2020
The salt potentials in Indonesia
E Sukiyah, V Isnaniawardhani, A Sudradjat, F Muhamadsyah
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology 2 (1), 2017
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Articles 1–20