Matthew Hall
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Revenge Pornography: Gender, Sexuality and Motivations
M Hall, J Hearn
Routledge, 2018
Metrosexual Masculinities
M Hall
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
Revenge Pornography and Manhood Acts: A Discourse Analysis of Perpetrators' Accounts
M Hall, J Hearn
Journal of Gender Studies 28 (2), Routledge, 2019
“I'm METRO, NOT Gay!”: a discursive analysis of men's accounts of makeup use on YouTube
M Hall, S Gough, Brendan: Seymour-Smith
The Journal of Men’s Studies 20 (3), 209-226, 2012
‘This is my cheating ex’: Gender and sexuality in revenge porn
J Hearn, M Hall
Sexualities 22 (5-6), 860-882, 2019
Magazine and reader constructions of ‘metrosexuality’and masculinity: A membership categorisation analysis
M Hall, B Gough
Journal of Gender Studies 20 (01), 67-86, 2011
Posting selfies and body image in young adult women: The selfie paradox
S Grogan, L Rothery, J Cole, M Hall
The Journal of Social Media in Society 7 (1), 15-36, 2018
Straight guys do wear make-up: Contemporary masculinities and investment in appearance
B Gough, M Hall, S Seymour-Smith
Debating modern masculinities: Change, continuity, crisis?, 106-124, 2014
Stake management in men's online cosmetics testimonials
M Hall, B Gough, S Seymour‐Smith
Psychology & Marketing 30 (3), 227-235, 2013
Bodybuilders’ accounts of synthol use: The construction of lay expertise online
M Hall, S Grogan, B Gough
Journal of Health Psychology 21 (9), 1939-1948, 2016
On-line constructions of metrosexuality and masculinities: A membership categorization analysis.
M Hall, B Gough, S Seymour-Smith, S Hansen
Gender & Language 6 (2), 2012
Disability, discourse and desire: Analyzing online talk by people with disabilities
M Hall
Sexualities 21 (3), 379-392, 2018
Digital Gender-Sexual Violations: Violence, Technologies, Motivations
M Hall, R Hearn, J., Lewis
‘Upskirting’, homosociality, and craftmanship: A thematic analysis of perpetrator and viewer interactions.
M Hall, J Hearn, R Lewis
Violence Against Women 28 (2), 532–550, 2022
‘It is safe to use if you are healthy’: A discursive analysis of men’s online accounts of ephedrine use
M Hall, S Grogan, B Gough
Psychology & Health 30 (7), 770-782, 2015
‘When there’s no underbrush the tree looks taller’: A discourse analysis of men’s online groin shaving talk
M Hall
Sexualities 18 (8), 997-1017, 2015
‘I’ve got a very dichotomous difference in the way that I perceive myself’: Positive and negative constructions of body image following cancer treatment
S Grogan, J Mechan, S Persson, S Finlay, M Hall
Journal of Health Psychology 24 (10), 1368-1377, 2019
Current and future needs of veterans in Northern Ireland
C Armour, E Walker, B Waterhouse-Bradley, M Hall, J Ross
Purity, presumed displeasure and piety in the ‘big three’: a critical analysis of magazine discourse on young women's sexuality
K Bachechi, M Hall
Journal of Gender Studies 24 (5), 549-560, 2015
‘It’s a Metrosexual Thing’: A Discourse Analytical Examination of Masculinities
M Hall
PQDT-Global, 2014
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