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Dynamical effects and intermediate mass fragment production in peripheral and semicentral collisions of Xe+ Sn at 50 MeV/nucleon
J Łukasik, J Benlliure, V Métivier, E Plagnol, B Tamain, M Assenard, ...
Physical Review C 55 (4), 1906, 1997
Surveying the nuclear caloric curve
YG Ma, A Siwek, J Péter, F Gulminelli, R Dayras, L Nalpas, B Tamain, ...
Physics Letters B 390 (1-4), 41-48, 1997
A hot expanding source in 50 A MeV Xe+ Sn central reactions
N Marie, R Laforest, R Bougault, JP Wieleczko, D Durand, CO Bacri, ...
Physics Letters B 391 (1-2), 15-21, 1997
Binary dissipative processes and formation of hot nuclei in 36Ar+ 27Al reactions from 55 to 95 MeV/u
J Péter, SC Jeong, JC Angélique, G Auger, G Bizard, R Brou, A Buta, ...
Nuclear Physics A 593 (1), 95-123, 1995
Experimental determination of fragment excitation energies in multifragmentation events
N Marie, A Chbihi, JB Natowitz, A Le Fèvre, S Salou, JP Wieleczko, ...
Physical Review C 58 (1), 256, 1998
Vaporization events from binary dissipative collisions
MF Rivet, A Chbihi, B Borderie, P Eudes, M Parlog, L Tassan-Got, ...
Physics Letters B 388 (2), 219-223, 1996
Kinematical properties and composition of vaporizing sources: is thermodynamical equilibrium achieved?
B Borderie, D Durand, F Gulminelli, M Parlog, MF Rivet, L Tassan-Got, ...
Physics Letters B 388 (2), 224-228, 1996
Independence of fragment charge distributions of the size of heavy multifragmenting sources
MF Rivet, CO Bacri, B Borderie, JD Frankland, M Assenard, G Auger, ...
Physics Letters B 430 (3-4), 217-222, 1998
SCANDAL—a facility for elastic neutron scattering studies in the 50–130MeV range
J Klug, J Blomgren, A Ataç, B Bergenwall, S Dangtip, K Elmgren, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
Multifragmentation in Xe (50 AMeV)+ Sn: Confrontation of theory and data
R Nebauer, J Aichelin, M Assenard, G Auger, CO Bacri, F Bocage, ...
Nuclear Physics A 658 (1), 67-93, 1999
A facility for measurements of nuclear cross sections for fast neutron cancer therapy
S Dangtip, A Atac, B Bergenwall, J Blomgren, K Elmgren, C Johansson, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
Onset of vaporization for the Ar+ Ni system
CO Bacri, B Borderie, JL Charvet, D Cussol, R Dayras, O Lopez, ...
Physics Letters B 353 (1), 27-31, 1995
Measurements of sideward flow around the balance energy
D Cussol, T Lefort, J Peter, G Auger, CO Bacri, F Bocage, B Borderie, ...
Physical Review C 65 (4), 044604, 2002
Elastic neutron scattering at from and
J Klug, J Blomgren, A Atac, B Bergenwall, A Hildebrand, C Johansson, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 68 (6), 064605, 2003
Nucleon-induced reactions at intermediate energies: New data at and theoretical status
V Blideanu, FR Lecolley, JF Lecolley, T Lefort, N Marie, A Atac, G Ban, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 70 (1), 014607, 2004
Properties of Very Hot Nuclei Formed in Collisions at Intermediate Energies
JC Steckmeyer, A Kerambrun, JC Angélique, G Auger, G Bizard, R Brou, ...
Physical review letters 76 (26), 4895, 1996
Dynamical aspects of particle emission in binary dissipative collisions: Effects on hot-nuclei formation
P Eudes, Z Basrak, F Sébille
Physical Review C 56 (4), 2003, 1997
Astrophysical rate of the 11C+ p reaction from the Coulomb break-up of a 12N radioactive beam
A Lefebvre, P Aguer, J Kiener, G Bogaert, A Coc, F De Oliveira, ...
Nuclear Physics A 592 (1), 69-88, 1995
Azimuthal correlation functions and the energy of vanishing flow in nucleus-nucleus collisions
A Buta, JC Angélique, G Auger, G Bizard, R Brou, C Cabot, Y Cassagnou, ...
Nuclear Physics A 584 (2), 397-412, 1995
Transfer reactions and sequential decays of the projectile-like fragments in the 60 MeV/nucleon 40Ar+ natAg, 197Au reactions
JC Steckmeyer, G Bizard, R Brou, P Eudes, JL Laville, JB Natowitz, ...
Nuclear Physics A 500 (2), 372-398, 1989
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