Evaluation of symbiotic properties and nitrogen contribution of mucuna to maize grown in the derived savanna of West Africa N Sanginga, B Ibewiro, P Houngnandan, B Vanlauwe, JA Okogun, ... Plant and Soil 179, 119-129, 1996 | 162 | 1996 |
Response of Mucuna pruriens to symbiotic nitrogen fixation by rhizobia following inoculation in farmers' fields in the derived savanna of Benin P Houngnandan, N Sanginga, P Woomer, B Vanlauwe, O Van Cleemput Biology and fertility of soils 30, 558-565, 2000 | 73 | 2000 |
Nitrogen management inadequate'input maize-based agriculture in the derived savanna benchmark zone of Benin Republic B Vanlauwe, K Aihou, P Houngnandan, J Diels, N Sanginga, R Merckx Plant and Soil 228, 61-71, 2001 | 64 | 2001 |
Improved estimation of biological nitrogen fixation of soybean cultivars (Glycine max L. Merril) using 15N natural abundance technique P Houngnandan, RGH Yemadje, SO Oikeh, CF Djidohokpin, P Boeckx, ... Biology and Fertility of Soils 45, 175-183, 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Diversity patterns of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with rhizosphere of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Benin, West Africa JM Johnson, P Houngnandan, A Kane, KB Sanon, M Neyra Pedobiologia 56 (3), 121-128, 2013 | 48 | 2013 |
Integrated soil fertility management involving promiscuous dual-purpose soybean and upland NERICA enhanced rice productivity in the savannas SO Oikeh, P Houngnandan, RC Abaidoo, I Rahimou, A Touré, A Niang, ... Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa: Exploring the …, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Les glomales indigènes de la forêt claire à Isoberlinia doka (Craib et Stapf) à Wari-Maro au centre du Bénin P Houngnandan, RGH Yemadje, A Kane, P Boeckx, O Van Cleemput Tropicultura 27 (2), 83-87, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
Biogeographical survey of soil microbiomes across sub-Saharan Africa: structure, drivers, and predicted climate-driven changes DA Cowan, PH Lebre, CER Amon, RW Becker, HI Boga, A Boulangé, ... Microbiome 10 (1), 131, 2022 | 33 | 2022 |
Occurrence of fungi in combs of fungus-growing termites (Isoptera: Termitidae, Macrotermitinae) HJ Guedegbe, E Miambi, A Pando, J Roman, P Houngnandan, ... Mycological research 113 (10), 1039-1045, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
Molecular diversity and host specificity of termite-associated Xylaria HJ Guedegbe, E Miambi, A Pando, P Houngnandan, C Rouland-Lefèvre Mycologia 101 (5), 686-691, 2009 | 30 | 2009 |
INOCULATION AND PHOSPHORUS APPLICATION EFFECTS ON SOYBEAN [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] PRODUCTIVITY GROWN IN FARMERS'FIELDS OF BENIN. CC Zoundji, P Houngnandan, MH Amidou, FA Kouelo, F Toukourou JAPS: Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 25 (5), 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Assessment of soil factors limiting growth and establishment of Mucuna in farmers' fields in the derived savanna of the Benin Republic P Houngnandan, N Sanginga, A Okogun, B Vanlauwe, R Merckx, ... Biology and fertility of soils 33, 416-422, 2001 | 28 | 2001 |
Impacts des conditions pédoclimatiques et du mode cultural sur la réponse du niébé (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) à l’inoculation endomycorhizienne avec Rhizophagus irregularis I Diop, A Kane, Y Krasova-Wade, KB Sanon, P Houngnandan, M Neyra, ... Journal of Applied Biosciences 69, 5465-5474, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Réponse à l’inoculation mycorhizienne de quatre variétés de niébé [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] cultivées au Burkina Faso et au Sénégal H Haro, KB Sanon, I Diop, A Kane, M Dianda, P Houngnandan, M Neyra, ... International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 6 (5), 2097-2112, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Colonization and molecular diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with the rhizosphere of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Benin (West Africa … JM Johnson, P Houngnandan, A Kane, O Chatagnier, KB Sanon, M Neyra, ... Annals of microbiology 66, 207-221, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Patterns of substrate degradation by some microfungi from fungus-growing termite combs (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) H Guedegbe, P Houngnandan, J Roman, C Rouland-Lefevre Sociobiology 52 (3), 525, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
Impact du travail du sol et de la fertilisation minérale sur la productivité de Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal & Baudet au centre du Bénin. KA Félix, B Antoine, H Pascal, FM Michée, GCJB Fustelle, SD Jacob Journal of Applied Biosciences 51, 3625-3632, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Diversité des champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires associés à la culture du maïs (Zea mays L.) au Bénin LDR Bossou, HB Houngnandan, A Adandonon, C Zoundji, ... International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 13 (2), 597-609, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Determinants of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] production system in Benin CC Zoundji, P Houngnandan, H Dedehouanou, F Toukourou Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences 3, 430-439, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Efficiency of the use of organic and inorganic nutrients in maize-based cropping systems in Benin P Houngnandan | 17 | 2000 |