Libo Li (李立博)
Libo Li (李立博)
Professor in College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
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Ethane/ethylene separation in a metal-organic framework with iron-peroxo sites
L Li, RB Lin, R Krishna, H Li, S Xiang, H Wu, J Li, W Zhou, B Chen
Science 362 (6413), 443-446, 2018
Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks for Gas Storage and Separation: Status and Challenges
BC Hao Li, Libo Li, Rui-Biao Lin, Wei Zhou, Zhangjing Zhang, Shengchang Xiang
EnergyChem 1 (1), 100006, 2019
Molecular sieving of ethylene from ethane using a rigid metal–organic framework
RB Lin, L Li, HL Zhou, H Wu, C He, S Li, R Krishna, J Li, W Zhou, B Chen
Nature materials 17, 1128-1133, 2018
Optimized separation of acetylene from carbon dioxide and ethylene in a microporous material
RB Lin, L Li, H Wu, H Arman, B Li, RG Lin, W Zhou, B Chen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (23), 8022-8028, 2017
Boosting ethane/ethylene separation within isoreticular ultramicroporous metal–organic frameworks
RB Lin, H Wu, L Li, XL Tang, Z Li, J Gao, H Cui, W Zhou, B Chen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (40), 12940-12946, 2018
Ethylene/ethane separation in a stable hydrogen-bonded organic framework through a gating mechanism
Y Yang, L Li, RB Lin, Y Ye, Z Yao, L Yang, F Xiang, S Chen, Z Zhang, ...
Nature Chemistry 13 (10), 933-939, 2021
Flexible–robust metal–organic framework for efficient removal of propyne from propylene
L Li, RB Lin, R Krishna, X Wang, B Li, H Wu, J Li, W Zhou, B Chen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (23), 7733-7736, 2017
A robust Th-azole framework for highly efficient purification of C2H4 from a C2H4/C2H2/C2H6 mixture
Z Xu, X Xiong, J Xiong, R Krishna, L Li, Y Fan, F Luo, B Chen
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-9, 2020
Selective ethane/ethylene separation in a robust microporous hydrogen-bonded organic framework
X Zhang, L Li, JX Wang, HM Wen, R Krishna, H Wu, W Zhou, ZN Chen, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (1), 633-640, 2019
Benchmark C2H2/CO2 Separation in an Ultra‐Microporous Metal–Organic Framework via Copper(I)‐Alkynyl Chemistry
L Zhang, K Jiang, L Yang, L Li, E Hu, L Yang, K Shao, H Xing, Y Cui, ...
Angewandte Chemie 133 (29), 16131-16138, 2021
A Microporous Hydrogen‐Bonded Organic Framework for the Efficient Capture and Purification of Propylene
J Gao, Y Cai, X Qian, P Liu, H Wu, W Zhou, DX Liu, L Li, RB Lin, B Chen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (37), 20400-20406, 2021
A metal–organic framework with suitable pore size and dual functionalities for highly efficient post-combustion CO 2 capture
HM Wen, C Liao, L Li, A Alsalme, Z Alothman, R Krishna, H Wu, W Zhou, ...
Journal of materials chemistry A 7 (7), 3128-3134, 2019
A metal–organic framework with suitable pore size and specific functional sites for the removal of trace propyne from propylene
L Li, HM Wen, C He, RB Lin, R Krishna, H Wu, W Zhou, J Li, B Li, B Chen
Angewandte Chemie 130 (46), 15403-15408, 2018
Enhanced Gas Uptake in a Microporous Metal–Organic Framework via a Sorbate Induced-Fit Mechanism
MH Yu, B Space, D Franz, W Zhou, C He, L Li, R Krishna, Z Chang, W Li, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (44), 17703-17712, 2019
Boosting Ethylene/Ethane Separation within Copper (I)‐Chelated Metal–Organic Frameworks through Tailor‐Made Aperture and Specific π‐Complexation
L Zhang, L Li, E Hu, L Yang, K Shao, L Yao, K Jiang, Y Cui, Y Yang, B Li, ...
Advanced science 7 (2), 1901918, 2020
A Rod‐Packing Hydrogen‐Bonded Organic Framework with Suitable Pore Confinement for Benchmark Ethane/Ethylene Separation
X Zhang, JX Wang, L Li, J Pei, R Krishna, H Wu, W Zhou, G Qian, B Chen, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (18), 10304-10310, 2021
A metal–organic framework with optimized porosity and functional sites for high gravimetric and volumetric methane storage working capacities
HM Wen, B Li, L Li, RB Lin, W Zhou, G Qian, B Chen
Advanced Materials 30 (16), 1704792, 2018
Adsorption of CO2, CH4, and N2 on 8-, 10-, and 12-Membered Ring Hydrophobic Microporous High-Silica Zeolites: DDR, Silicalite-1, and Beta
J Yang, J Li, W Wang, L Li, J Li
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (50), 17856-17864, 2013
Kinetic separation of propylene over propane in a microporous metal-organic framework
L Li, RB Lin, X Wang, W Zhou, L Jia, J Li, B Chen
Chemical Engineering Journal 354, 977-982, 2018
Separation of CO2/CH4 and CH4/N2 mixtures by M/DOBDC: A detailed dynamic comparison with MIL-100 (Cr) and activated carbon
L Li, J Yang, J Li, Y Chen, J Li
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 198, 236-246, 2014
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