Gregory Miller
Gregory Miller
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Flow control as a stochastic optimal control problem with incomplete information
BM Miller, KE Avrachenkov, KV Stepanyan, GB Miller
Problems of Information Transmission 41 (2), 150-170, 2005
Discrete power control: Cooperative and non-cooperative optimization
E Altman, K Avrachenkov, G Miller, B Prabhu
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Zero-sum constrained stochastic games with independent state processes
E Altman, K Avrachenkov, R Marquez, G Miller
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 62, 375-386, 2005
Towards the optimal control of Markov chains with constraints
B Miller, G Miller, K Siemenikhin
Automatica 46 (9), 1495-1502, 2010
Dynamic discrete power control in cellular networks
E Altman, K Avrachenkov, I Menache, G Miller, BJ Prabhu, A Shwartz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (10), 2328-2340, 2009
Navigation of Underwater Drones and Integration of Acoustic Sensing with Onboard Inertial Navigation System
A Miller, B Miller, G Miller
Drones 5 (3), 83, 2021
Methods to design optimal control of Markov process with finite state set in the presence of constraints
BM Miller, GB Miller, KV Semenikhin
Automation and Remote Control 72 (2), 323-341, 2011
On AUV Control with the Aid of Position Estimation Algorithms Based on Acoustic Seabed Sensing and DOA Measurements
A Miller, B Miller, G Miller
Sensors 19 (24), 5520, 2019
Задача оптимального стохастического управления потоком данных по неполной информации
БМ Миллер, КЕ Авраченков, КВ Степанян, ГБ Миллер
Проблемы передачи информации 41 (2), 89-110, 2005
Passive Underwater Target Tracking: Conditionally Minimax Nonlinear Filtering with Bearing-Doppler Observations
A Borisov, A Bosov, B Miller, G Miller
Sensors 20 (8), 2257, 2020
Методы синтеза оптимального управления марковским процессом с конечным множеством состояний при наличии ограничений
БМ Миллер, ГБ Миллер, КВ Семенихин
Автоматика и телемеханика, 111-130, 2011
Power control in wireless cellular networks
E Altman, K Avrachenkov, I Menache, G Miller, BJ Prabhu, A Shwartz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (10), 2328-2340, 2009
The Problem of Optimal Stochastic Data Flow Control Based upon Incomplete Information
BM Miller, KE Avrachenkov, KV Stepanyan, GB Miller
Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 41 (2), 89-110, 2005
The problem of the optimal stochastic control of a data flow with incomplete information
B Miller, K Avrachenkov, K Stepanyan, G Miller
Problems of Information Transmission 41 (2), 150-170, 2005
Filtration of a random process in a statistically uncertain linear stochastic differential system
GB Miller, AR Pankov
Automation and Remote Control 66 (1), 53-64, 2005
Optimization of the Data Transmission Flow from Moving Object to Nonhomogeneous Network of Base Stations
B Miller, G Miller, K Semenikhin
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 6160-6165, 2017
Фильтрация случайного процесса в статистически неопределенной линейной стохастической дифференциальной системе
ГБ Миллер, АР Панков
Автоматика и телемеханика, 59-71, 2005
Control of Markov chains with constraints
B Miller, G Miller, K Siemenikhin
SICPRO'09 (Prof. SN Vassilyev (VA Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences …, 2009
Минимаксная линейная рекуррентная фильтрация неопределенно-стохастических последовательностей по интегральному критерию
АР Панков, ГБ Миллер
Информационные процессы 1 (2), 150-166, 2001
AUV position estimation via acoustic seabed profile measurements
A Miller, B Miller, G Miller
2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV), 1-5, 2018
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