Sung-Il Baik (백성일)
Sung-Il Baik (백성일)
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Nonblinking and nonbleaching upconverting nanoparticles as an optical imaging nanoprobe and T1 magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent
YI Park, JH Kim, KT Lee, KS Jeon, HB Na, JH Yu, HM Kim, N Lee, ...
Advanced Materials 21 (44), 4467-4471, 2009
Synthesis of quantum-sized cubic ZnS nanorods by the oriented attachment mechanism
JH Yu, J Joo, HM Park, SI Baik, YW Kim, SC Kim, T Hyeon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (15), 5662-5670, 2005
Large-Scale Soft Colloidal Template Synthesis of 1.4 nm Thick CdSe Nanosheets
JS Son, XD Wen, J Joo, J Chae, SI Baek, K Park, JH Kim, K An, JH Yu, ...
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 48 (37), 6861-6864, 2009
Synthesis of uniform hollow oxide nanoparticles through nanoscale acid etching
K An, SG Kwon, M Park, HB Na, SI Baik, JH Yu, D Kim, JS Son, YW Kim, ...
Nano letters 8 (12), 4252-4258, 2008
Solution processing of air-stable molecular semiconducting iodosalts, Cs 2 SnI 6− x Br x, for potential solar cell applications
B Lee, A Krenselewski, SI Baik, DN Seidman, RPH Chang
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 1 (4), 710-724, 2017
Precipitation strengthening in naturally aged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy
SH Lee, JG Jung, SI Baik, DN Seidman, MS Kim, YK Lee, K Euh
Materials Science and Engineering: A 803, 140719, 2021
Magnetic properties of YIG (Y3Fe5O12) thin films prepared by the post annealing of amorphous films deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering
YM Kang, SH Wee, SI Baik, SG Min, SC Yu, SH Moon, YW Kim, SI Yoo
Journal of applied physics 97 (10), 2005
The effect of zirconium on the omega phase in Ti-24Nb-[0–8] Zr (at.%) alloys
EL Pang, EJ Pickering, SI Baik, DN Seidman, NG Jones
Acta Materialia 153, 62-70, 2018
Large-Scale Synthesis of Ultrathin Manganese Oxide Nanoplates and Their Applications to T1 MRI Contrast Agents
M Park, N Lee, SH Choi, K An, SH Yu, JH Kim, SH Kwon, D Kim, H Kim, ...
Chemistry of Materials 23 (14), 3318-3324, 2011
Ferroelectric properties of SrRuO3∕ BaTiO3∕ SrRuO3 ultrathin film capacitors free from passive layers
YS Kim, JY Jo, DJ Kim, YJ Chang, JH Lee, TW Noh, TK Song, JG Yoon, ...
Applied physics letters 88 (7), 2006
Phase analysis of steels by grain-averaged EBSD functions
JY Kang, HK Do, SI Baik, TH Ahn, YW Kim, HN Han, KH Oh, HC Lee, ...
ISIJ international 51 (1), 130-136, 2011
Increasing the creep resistance of Fe-Ni-Al-Cr superalloys via Ti additions by optimizing the B2/L21 ratio in composite nano-precipitates
SI Baik, SY Wang, PK Liaw, DC Dunand
Acta Materialia 157, 142-154, 2018
Grain-boundary structure and segregation behavior in a nickel-base stainless alloy
SI Baik, MJ Olszta, SM Bruemmer, DN Seidman
Scripta Materialia 66 (10), 809-812, 2012
Effects of Ti addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Zr alloy
SH Lee, JG Jung, SI Baik, SH Park, MS Kim, YK Lee, K Euh
Materials Science and Engineering: A 801, 140437, 2021
H. Solution Processing of Air-Stable Molecular Semiconducting Iodosalts, Cs 2 SnI 6‑x Br x, for Potential Solar Cell Applications
B Lee, A Krenselewski, SI Baik, DN Seidman, RP Chang
Sustain. Energy Fuels 1, 710-724, 2017
Deformation behavior of duplex austenite and ε-martensite high-Mn steel
KH Kwon, BC Suh, SI Baik, YW Kim, JK Choi, NJ Kim
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2013
The effect of nitrogen on the stacking fault energy in Fe–15Mn–2Cr–0.6 C–xN twinning-induced plasticity steels
SJ Lee, YS Jung, SI Baik, YW Kim, M Kang, W Woo, YK Lee
Scripta Materialia 92, 23-26, 2014
Grain-boundary structure and segregation in Nb3Sn coatings on Nb for high-performance superconducting radiofrequency cavity applications
J Lee, Z Mao, K He, T Spina, SI Baik, DL Hall, M Liepe, DN Seidman, ...
Acta Materialia 188, 155-165, 2020
A correlative four-dimensional study of phase-separation at the subnanoscale to nanoscale of a NiAl alloy
EY Plotnikov, Z Mao, SI Baik, M Yildirim, Y Li, D Cecchetti, RD Noebe, ...
Acta Materialia 171, 306-333, 2019
Effects of high-temperature postannealing on magnetic properties of Co-doped anatase Ti O 2 thin films
DH Kim, JS Yang, YS Kim, TW Noh, SD Bu, SI Baik, YW Kim, YD Park, ...
Physical Review B 71 (1), 014440, 2005
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