Jefferson Andrew J
Jefferson Andrew J
Research Scientist, Masdar Institute, KU
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Sustainable biobased composites for advanced applications: recent trends and future opportunities–A critical review
JJ Andrew, HN Dhakal
Composites Part C: Open Access 7, 100220, 2022
Parameters influencing the impact response of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composite materials: A critical review
JJ Andrew, SM Srinivasan, A Arockiarajan, HN Dhakal
Composite Structures 224, 111007, 2019
Compression after impact strength of repaired GFRP composite laminates under repeated impact loading
J. Jefferson Andrew, V. Arumugam, K. Saravanakumar, H.N. Dhakal, C. Santulli
Composite structures 133 (ISSN 0263-8223,, 911-920, 2015
Energy absorption characteristics of additively manufactured plate-lattices under low-velocity impact loading
JJ Andrew, J Schneider, J Ubaid, R Velmurugan, NK Gupta, S Kumar
International Journal of Impact Engineering 149, 103768, 2021
Energy absorption and self-sensing performance of 3D printed CF/PEEK cellular composites
JJ Andrew, H Alhashmi, A Schiffer, S Kumar, VS Deshpande
Materials & Design 208, 109863, 2021
Impact behavior of nanoengineered, 3D printed plate-lattices
JJ Andrew, P Verma, S Kumar
Materials & Design 202, 109516, 2021
Residual strength and damage characterization of repaired glass/epoxy composite laminates using AE and DIC
JJ Andrew, V Arumugam, DJ Bull, HN Dhakal
Composite Structures 152, 124-139, 2016
Impact performance enhancement of honeycombs through additive manufacturing-enabled geometrical tailoring
JJ Andrew, J Ubaid, F Hafeez, A Schiffer, S Kumar
International Journal of Impact Engineering 134, 103360, 2019
Effect of patch hybridization on the tensile behavior of patch repaired glass/epoxy composite laminates using acoustic emission monitoring
JJ Andrew, V Arumugam
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 74, 155-166, 2017
Influence of patch lay-up configuration and hybridization on low velocity impact and post-impact tensile response of repaired glass fiber reinforced plastic composites
JJ Andrew, SM Srinivasan, A Arockiarajan
Journal of Composite Materials 53 (1), 3-17, 2019
Dynamic crushing of tailored honeycombs realized via additive manufacturing
J Schneider, A Schiffer, F Hafeez, S Kumar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 219, 107126, 2022
Effect of post-cure temperature and different reinforcements in adhesive bonded repair for damaged glass/epoxy composites under multiple quasi-static indentation loading
JJ Andrew, V Arumugam, C Santulli
Composite Structures 143, 63-74, 2016
The role of adhesively bonded super hybrid external patches on the impact and post-impact response of repaired glass/epoxy composite laminates
JJ Andrew, SM Srinivasan, A Arockiarajan
Composite Structures 184, 848-859, 2018
Effect of multiphase fiber system and stacking sequence on low‐velocity impact and residual tensile behavior of glass/epoxy composite laminates
AJ Jefferson, SM Srinivasan, A Arockiarajan
Polymer Composites 40 (4), 1450-1462, 2019
Quasi-static indentation properties of damaged glass/epoxy composite laminates repaired by the application of intra-ply hybrid patches
JJ Andrew, V Arumugam, C Ramesh, S Poorani, C Santulli
Polymer Testing 61, 132-145, 2017
Repair of polymer composites: methodology, techniques, and challenges
AJ Jefferson, V Arumugam, HN Dhakal
Woodhead Publishing, 2018
Residual strength and damage characterization of unidirectional glass–basalt hybrid/epoxy CAI laminates
J Andrew, C Ramesh
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 40, 1695-1705, 2015
Compression after high-velocity impact behavior of pseudo-elastic shape memory alloy embedded glass/epoxy composite laminates
L Verma, JJ Andrew, SM Sivakumar, G Balaganesan, S Vedantam, ...
Composite Structures 259, 113519, 2021
Evaluation of quasi-static indentation response of superelastic shape memory alloy embedded GFRP laminates using AE monitoring
HND Luv Verma, J. Jefferson Andrew, Srinivasan M.Sivakumar, G.Balaganesan, S ...
Polymer Testing 93 (106942), 2020
The role of patch-parent configurations on the tensile response of patch repaired carbon/epoxy laminates
GS Bhatia, JJ Andrew, G Balaganesan, A Arockiarajan
Polymer Testing 70, 413-425, 2018
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