Analysis and design of a microwave coplanar sensor for non-invasive blood glucose measurements MC Cebedio, LA Rabioglio, IE Gelosi, RA Ribas, AJ Uriz, JC Moreira IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (18), 10572-10581, 2020 | 72 | 2020 |
Simulation of a non-invasive glucometer based on a microwave resonator sensor S Pimentel, PD Agüero, AJ Uriz, JC Bonadero, M Liberatori, JC Moreira Journal of Physics: Conference Series 477 (1), 012020, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Offline domotic system using voice comands J Errobidart, AJ Uriz, E Gonzalez, IE Gelosi, JA Etcheverry 2017 Eight Argentine Symposium and Conference on Embedded Systems (CASE), 1-6, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
A high-sensitivity cylindrical cavity resonator sensor for the characterization of aqueous solutions RA Ribas, IE Gelosi, AJ Uriz, JC Moreira, JC Bonadero IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (6), 7581-7589, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Estimating RASATI scores using acoustical parameters PD Agüero, JC Tulli, G Moscardi, EL Gonzalez, AJ Uriz Journal of physics: Conference series 332 (1), 012050, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Voice conversion using k-histograms and frame selection. AJ Uriz, PD Agüero, A Bonafonte, JC Tulli INTERSPEECH, 1639-1642, 2009 | 11 | 2009 |
Effects of intergranular capacitance and resistance dispersion on polycrystalline semiconductor impedance C Buono, AJ Uriz, CM Aldao Solid State Ionics 343, 115076, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Flexible pseudorandom number generator for tinnitus treatment implemented on a dsPIC AJ Uriz, PD Aguero, J Moreira, RM Hidalgo, EL González, JC Tulli IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (1), 72-77, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
A development and implementation of a tinnitus treatment method AJ Uriz, PD Agüero, JC Tulli, JC Moreira, EL González, G Moscardi, ... Journal of Physics: Conference Series 477 (1), 012026, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Implementation of a noise reduction algorithm in a hearing aid device based on a dsPIC AJ Uriz, PD Aguero, JC Moreira, JC Tulli, EL Gonzalez IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (1), 224-229, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Design and Implementation of a Non-Invasive RF Device to Measure Glucose in Blood IE Gelosi, RA Ribas, AJ Uriz, JC Moreira, N Fuentes IEEE Latin America Transactions 20 (5), 813-822, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
An implementation in dsPIC of a denoising algorithm based on the discrete wavelet transform AJ Uriz, JC Moreira, R Hidalgo, P Agüero, JC Tulli, E González 2012 VI Andean Region International Conference, 199-202, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Embedded speaker verification in low cost microcontroller M Lizondo, PD Agüero, AJ Uriz, JC Tulli, EL Gonzalez Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos 1, 128-133, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Voice conversion using frame selection and warping functions AJ Uriz, PD Aguero, JC Tulli, E Gonzalez, A Bonafonte Proc. RPIC, 417-422, 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
Assistive Listening Device based on a dsPIC F Denk, P Agüero, A Uriz, JC Tulli, E González, J Garın, S Bourguigne Anales de VI Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica (JAR), 24-29, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Effects of intergranular barrier fluctuations on the electrical conductivity of polycrystalline semiconductors AJ Uriz, C Buono, CM Aldao Solid State Ionics 326, 200-204, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Low complexity noise power estimator for speech enhancement implemented on a dsPIC AJ Uriz, J Castiñeira, P Agüero, J Tulli, R Hidalgo, E González 2014 Fifth Argentine Symposium and Conference on Embedded Systems SASE/CASE …, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Simulador de deficiencias auditivas A Uriz, P Agüero, F Denk, J Tulli, E González, J Castiñeira Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 8 (2), 52-62, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
Sistema de sustitución sensorial visual-táctil para no videntes empleando sensores infrarrojos MP Cervellini, E Gonzalez, JC Tulli, A Uriz, PD Agüero, MG Kuzman XVIII Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería SABI 2011-VII Jornadas de …, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
Desarrollo de un sistema de compresión de voz portátil para pacientes discapacitados AJ Uriz, PD Agüero, JC Tulli, EL Gonzalez, F Denk Proceedings of SABI 2009, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |