Patrick Martin
Patrick Martin
School of Computing, Queen's University
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Clustering wsdl documents to bootstrap the discovery of web services
K Elgazzar, AE Hassan, P Martin
2010 IEEE international conference on web services, 147-154, 2010
Reputation-enhanced QoS-based web services discovery
Z Xu, P Martin, W Powley, F Zulkernine
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), 249-256, 2007
Assisting developers of big data analytics applications when deploying on hadoop clouds
W Shang, ZM Jiang, H Hemmati, B Adams, AE Hassan, P Martin
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 402-411, 2013
CLOUDQUAL: a quality model for cloud services
X Zheng, P Martin, K Brohman, L Da Xu
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 10 (2), 1527-1536, 2014
An adaptive and intelligent SLA negotiation system for web services
FH Zulkernine, P Martin
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 4 (1), 31-43, 2010
Classification using streaming random forests
H Abdulsalam, DB Skillicorn, P Martin
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and Data Engineering 23 (1), 22-36, 2010
Cloud service negotiation in internet of things environment: A mixed approach
X Zheng, P Martin, K Brohman, L Da Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (2), 1506-1515, 2014
Using blockchain technology to manage clinical trials data: a proof-of-concept study
DM Maslove, J Klein, K Brohman, P Martin
JMIR medical informatics 6 (4), e11949, 2018
Provisioning data analytic workloads in a cloud
R Mian, P Martin, JL Vazquez-Poletti
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (6), 1452-1458, 2013
IDSaaS: Intrusion detection system as a service in public clouds
T Alharkan, P Martin
2012 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2012
A design theory approach to building strategic network‐based customer service systems
MK Brohman, G Piccoli, P Martin, F Zulkernine, A Parasuraman, ...
Decision sciences 40 (3), 403-430, 2009
Kinetic studies on the action of Mucor pusillus, Mucor miehei acid proteases and chymosins A and B on a synthetic chromophoric hexapeptide
P Martin, MN Raymond, E Bricas, BR Dumas
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Enzymology 612 (2), 410-420, 1980
Streaming random forests
H Abdulsalam, DB Skillicorn, P Martin
11th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS …, 2007
Automatically classifying database workloads
S Elnaffar, P Martin, R Horman
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on Information and …, 2002
A policy-based middleware for web services SLA negotiation
F Zulkernine, P Martin, C Craddock, K Wilson
2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 1043-1050, 2009
Ecology and management of Sitka spruce: emphasizing its natural range in British Columbia
NM Peterson, P Martin
UBC Press, 1997
Status update and interim results from the asymptomatic carotid surgery trial-2 (ACST-2)
ACST-2 Collaborative Group
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 46 (5), 510-518, 2013
Towards cloud-based analytics-as-a-service (claaas) for big data analytics in the cloud
F Zulkernine, P Martin, Y Zou, M Bauer, F Gwadry-Sridhar, A Aboulnaga
2013 IEEE international congress on Big Data, 62-69, 2013
Processes controlling DOC in pore water during simulated drought cycles in six different UK peats
JM Clark, A Heinemeyer, P Martin, SH Bottrell
Biogeochemistry 109, 253-270, 2012
Today's DBMSs: how autonomic are they
S Elnaffar, W Powley, D Benoit, P Martin
14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2003
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