Articles avec mandats d'accès public - Jean-Michel PereiraEn savoir plus
Disponibles quelque part : 37
Disorder characterization of porous media and its effect on fluid displacement
Z Wang, K Chauhan, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Physical Review Fluids 4 (3), 034305, 2019
Exigences : Australian Research Council, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Long-term thermo-mechanical behaviour of energy piles in clay
VT Nguyen, N Wu, Y Gan, JM Pereira, AM Tang
Environmental Geotechnics 7 (4), 237-248, 2019
Exigences : Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Thermo-mechanical behavior of energy diaphragm wall: Physical and numerical modelling
S Dong, X Li, AM Tang, JM Pereira, VT Nguyen, P Che, Z Xiong
Applied Thermal Engineering 146, 243-251, 2019
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effect of wetting transition during multiphase displacement in porous media
Z Wang, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Langmuir 36 (9), 2449-2458, 2020
Exigences : Australian Research Council, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Contactless probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale suggests weaker tensile properties than thought
D Atig, D Broseta, JM Pereira, R Brown
Nature Communications 11 (1), 3379, 2020
Exigences : Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Fabric characterisation in transitional soils
MC Todisco, MR Coop, JM Pereira
Granular Matter 20, 1-12, 2018
Exigences : Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Effect of grain shape on quasi‐static fluid‐fluid displacement in porous media
Z Wang, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Water Resources Research 57 (4), e2020WR029415, 2021
Exigences : Australian Research Council, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Water retention and thermal conductivity of a natural unsaturated loess
VT Nguyen, H Heindl, JM Pereira, AM Tang, JD Frost
Géotechnique Letters 7 (4), 286-291, 2017
Exigences : US National Science Foundation
Effect of bacterial nanocellulose on the fresh and hardened states of oil well cement
JC Barría, A Vazquez, JM Pereira, D Manzanal
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 108259, 2021
Exigences : Government of Argentina
A simple load transfer method for energy pile groups
H Song, H Pei, JM Pereira, AM Tang, C Zhou
Computers and Geotechnics 159, 105483, 2023
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enhancing Spontaneous Droplet Motion on Structured Surfaces with Tailored Wedge Design
Z Wang, A Owais, C Neto, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2), 2000520, 2021
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Pore-scale modeling of multiphase flow in porous media using a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN)
Z Wang, H Jeong, Y Gan, JM Pereira, Y Gu, E Sauret
Physics of Fluids 34 (12), 123325, 2022
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Modeling of Swelling Processes in Clay–Sulfate Rocks
R Taherdangkoo, T Nagel, AM Tang, JM Pereira, C Butscher
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 55 (12), 7489-7501, 2022
Exigences : German Research Foundation
Thermo-elasto-plastic modeling of saturated clays under undrained conditions
W Cheng, P Hong, JM Pereira, Y Cui, AM Tang, R Chen
Computers and Geotechnics 125, 103688, 2020
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
A pore-resolved interface tracking algorithm for simulating multiphase flow in arbitrarily structured porous media
Z Wang, JM Pereira, E Sauret, SA Aryana, Z Shi, Y Gan
Advances in Water Resources 162, 104152, 2022
Exigences : Australian Research Council, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A two-surface thermomechanical plasticity model considering thermal cyclic behavior
W Cheng, R Chen, P Hong, Y Cui, JM Pereira
Acta Geotechnica 15 (10), 2741-2755, 2020
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Wettability impacts residual trapping of immiscible fluids during cyclic injection
Z Wang, JM Pereira, E Sauret, Y Gan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 961, A19, 2023
Exigences : Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Influence of multiscale surface roughness on permeability in fractures
Z Wang, Y Bao, JM Pereira, E Sauret, Y Gan
Physical Review Fluids 7 (2), 024101, 2022
Exigences : Australian Research Council, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Packing of wet monodisperse spheres
Z Wang, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Powder Technology 378, 60-64, 2021
Exigences : Australian Research Council, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Poromechanical analysis of oil well cements in CO2-rich environments
JC Barría, M Bagheri, D Manzanal, SM Shariatipour, JM Pereira
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 119, 103734, 2022
Exigences : European Commission, Government of Argentina
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