Twila Tardif
Twila Tardif
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Socioeconomic status and parenting
E Hoff, B Laursen
Handbook of parenting, 421-447, 2019
Nouns are not always learned before verbs: Evidence from Mandarin speakers' early vocabularies.
T Tardif
Developmental psychology 32 (3), 492, 1996
17 What do we know about creativity?
TZ Tardif
The nature of creativity: Contemporary psychological perspectives, 429, 1988
Theory of mind development in Chinese children: a meta-analysis of false-belief understanding across cultures and languages.
D Liu, HM Wellman, T Tardif, MA Sabbagh
Developmental psychology 44 (2), 523, 2008
Caregiver speech and children's use of nouns versus verbs: A comparison of English, Italian, and Mandarin
T Tardif, M Shatz, L Naigles
Journal of Child Language 24 (3), 535-565, 1997
Socioeconomic status and parenting.
E Hoff-Ginsberg, T Tardif
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 1995
Putting the “noun bias” in context: A comparison of English and Mandarin
T Tardif, SA Gelman, F Xu
Child development 70 (3), 620-635, 1999
Working memory and reading skill re-examined
M Daneman, T Tardif
Attention and performance XII, 491-508, 2016
What's in a word? Morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge in three languages
C McBride-Chang, T Tardif, JR Cho, HUA Shu, P Fletcher, SF Stokes, ...
Applied psycholinguistics 29 (3), 437-462, 2008
Acquisition of mental state language in Mandarin-and Cantonese-speaking children.
T Tardif, HM Wellman
Developmental psychology 36 (1), 25, 2000
Syllable, phoneme, and tone: Psycholinguistic units in early Chinese and English word recognition
C McBride-Chang, X Tong, H Shu, AMY Wong, K Leung, T Tardif
Scientific Studies of Reading 12 (2), 171-194, 2008
Tracing children's vocabulary development from preschool through the school‐age years: An 8‐year longitudinal study
S Song, M Su, C Kang, H Liu, Y Zhang, C McBride‐Chang, T Tardif, H Li, ...
Developmental science 18 (1), 119-131, 2015
Baby's first 10 words.
T Tardif, P Fletcher, W Liang, Z Zhang, N Kaciroti, VA Marchman
Developmental Psychology 44 (4), 929, 2008
Developmental trajectories of reading development and impairment from ages 3 to 8 years in Chinese children
L Lei, J Pan, H Liu, C McBride‐Chang, H Li, Y Zhang, L Chen, T Tardif, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52 (2), 212-220, 2011
Imageability predicts the age of acquisition of verbs in Chinese children
W Ma, RM Golinkoff, K Hirsh-Pasek, C McDonough, T Tardif
Journal of child language 36 (2), 405-423, 2009
The visual word form area: evidence from an fMRI study of implicit processing of Chinese characters
C Liu, WT Zhang, YY Tang, XQ Mai, HC Chen, T Tardif, YJ Luo
Neuroimage 40 (3), 1350-1361, 2008
Phonological skills and vocabulary knowledge mediate socioeconomic status effects in predicting reading outcomes for Chinese children.
Y Zhang, T Tardif, H Shu, H Li, H Liu, C McBride-Chang, W Liang, ...
Developmental psychology 49 (4), 665, 2013
Chinese communicative development inventories: User's guide and manual
T Tardif, P Fletcher
Peking University Medical Press, 2008
18 But Are They Really Verbs? Chinese Words for Action
T Tardif
Action meets word: How children learn verbs, 477, 2006
A cross-linguistic comparison of generic noun phrases in English and Mandarin
SA Gelman, T Tardif
Cognition 66 (3), 215-248, 1998
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