Regis VIgouroux
Regis VIgouroux
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Unlocking biodiversity and conservation studies in high‐diversity environments using environmental DNA (eDNA): A test with Guianese freshwater fishes
K Cilleros, A Valentini, L Allard, T Dejean, R Etienne, G Grenouillet, ...
Molecular ecology resources 19 (1), 27-46, 2019
Optimizing environmental DNA sampling effort for fish inventories in tropical streams and rivers
I Cantera, K Cilleros, A Valentini, A Cerdan, T Dejean, A Iribar, P Taberlet, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3085, 2019
Alteration of fish diversity downstream from Petit-Saut Dam in French Guiana. Implication of ecological strategies of fish species
B de Merona, R Vigouroux, FL Tejerina-Garro
Hydrobiologia 551, 33-47, 2005
Assessing the impact of gold mining in headwater streams of Eastern Amazonia using Ephemeroptera assemblages and biological traits
N Dedieu, M Rhone, R Vigouroux, R Céréghino
Ecological Indicators 52, 332-340, 2015
Updated checklist of the freshwater and estuarine fishes of French Guiana
PY Le BaiL, R Covain, M Jégu, S FiSCh-MuLLeR, R Vigouroux, P Keith
Cybium 36 (1), 293-319, 2012
Changes in food resources and their utilization by fish assemblages in a large tropical reservoir in South America (Petit-Saut Dam, French Guiana)
B de Mérona, R Vigouroux, V Horeau
Acta Oecologica 24 (3), 147-156, 2003
Effect of reduced impact logging and small-scale mining disturbances on Neotropical stream fish assemblages
L Allard, M Popée, R Vigouroux, S Brosse
Aquatic Sciences 78, 315-325, 2016
Biofilm and mercury availability as key factors for mercury accumulation in fish (Curimata cyprinoides) from a disturbed amazonian freshwater system
Y Dominique, R Maury‐Brachet, B Muresan, R Vigouroux, S Richard, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26 (1), 45-52, 2007
Electrofishing efficiency in low conductivity neotropical streams: towards a non‐destructive fish sampling method
L Allard, G Grenouillet, K Khazraie, L Tudesque, R Vigouroux, S Brosse
Fisheries Management and Ecology 21 (3), 234-243, 2014
Characterizing the spatial signal of environmental DNA in river systems using a community ecology approach
I Cantera, J Decotte, T Dejean, J Murienne, R Vigouroux, A Valentini, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (4), 1274-1283, 2022
Phenotypic plasticity in fish life-history traits in two neotropical reservoirs: Petit-Saut Reservoir in French Guiana and Brokopondo Reservoir in Suriname
B Mérona, J Mol, R Vigouroux, PT Chaves
Neotropical Ichthyology 7, 683-692, 2009
Disentangling spatial and environmental determinants of fish species richness and assemblage structure in Neotropical rainforest streams
K Cilleros, L Allard, R Vigouroux, S Brosse
Freshwater Biology 62 (10), 1707-1720, 2017
A multimetric macroinvertebrate index for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in French Guiana, East Amazonia
N Dedieu, S Clavier, R Vigouroux, P Cerdan, R Céréghino
River Research and Applications 32 (3), 501-515, 2016
Interspecific variation of warning calls in piranhas: a comparative analysis
G Mélotte, R Vigouroux, C Michel, E Parmentier
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 36127, 2016
A new multimetric index for the evaluation of water ecological quality of French Guiana streams based on benthic diatoms
D Carayon, A Eulin-Garrigue, R Vigouroux, F Delmas
Ecological Indicators 113, 106248, 2020
Low level of anthropization linked to harsh vertebrate biodiversity declines in Amazonia
I Cantera, O Coutant, C Jézéquel, JB Decotte, T Dejean, A Iribar, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 3290, 2022
Amazonian mammal monitoring using aquatic environmental DNA
O Coutant, C Richard‐Hansen, B de Thoisy, J Decotte, A Valentini, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (6), 1875-1888, 2021
Diet changes in fish species from a large reservoir in South Americaand their impact on the trophic structure of fish assemblages (Petit-Saut Dam, French Guiana)
B De Mérona, R Vigouroux
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 42 (1), 53-61, 2006
Mercury contamination levels in the bioindicator piscivorous fish Hoplias aïmara in French Guiana rivers: mapping for risk assessment
R Maury-Brachet, S Gentes, EP Dassié, A Feurtet-Mazel, R Vigouroux, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 3624-3636, 2020
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Diffusive CO2 and CH4 Fluxes From the Amazonian Reservoir Petit‐Saut (French Guiana) Reveals the Importance of …
F Colas, V Chanudet, M Daufresne, L Buchet, R Vigouroux, A Bonnet, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34 (12), e2020GB006602, 2020
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