Timo Ropinski
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Monte carlo convolution for learning on non-uniformly sampled point clouds
P Hermosilla, T Ritschel, PP Vázquez, À Vinacua, T Ropinski
ACM Transactions on Graphics (tog) 37 (6), 1-12, 2018
Voreen: a rapid-prototyping environment for ray-casting-based volume visualizations
J Meyer-Spradow, T Ropinski, J Mensmann, K Hinrichs
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 29 (6), 6-13, 2009
Advanced illumination techniques for GPU volume raycasting
M Hadwiger, P Ljung, CR Salama, T Ropinski
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Courses, 1-166, 2008
Survey of glyph-based visualization techniques for spatial multivariate medical data
T Ropinski, S Oeltze, B Preim
Computers & Graphics 35 (2), 392-401, 2011
Total denoising: unsupervised learning of 3D point cloud cleaning
P Hermosilla, T Ritschel, T Ropinski
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 52-60, 2019
Single‐image tomography: 3D volumes from 2D cranial X‐rays
P Henzler, V Rasche, T Ropinski, T Ritschel
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (2), 377-388, 2018
A survey of volumetric illumination techniques for interactive volume rendering
D Jönsson, E Sundén, A Ynnerman, T Ropinski
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (1), 27-51, 2014
Uncertainty-aware guided volume segmentation
JS Prassni, T Ropinski, K Hinrichs
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16 (6), 1358-1365, 2010
Interactive volume rendering with dynamic ambient occlusion and color bleeding
T Ropinski, J Meyer‐Spradow, S Diepenbrock, J Mensmann, K Hinrichs
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (2), 567-576, 2008
A survey of perceptually motivated 3D visualization of medical image data
B Preim, A Baer, D Cunningham, T Isenberg, T Ropinski
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 501-525, 2016
Moving towards generally applicable redirected walking
F Steinicke, G Bruder, T Ropinski, K Hinrichs
Virtual Reality International, 15-24, 2008
About the influence of illumination models on image comprehension in direct volume rendering
F Lindemann, T Ropinski
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17 (12), 1922-1931, 2011
Object selection in virtual environments using an improved virtual pointer metaphor
F Steinicke, T Ropinski, K Hinrichs
Computer Vision and Graphics, 320-326, 2006
Net2Vis – a visual grammar for automatically generating publication-tailored CNN architecture visualizations
A Bäuerle, C van Onzenoodt, T Ropinski
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2021
Intrinsic-extrinsic convolution and pooling for learning on 3D protein structures
P Hermosilla, M Schäfer, M Lang, G Fackelmann, PP Vázquez, ...
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Visually supporting depth perception in angiography imaging
T Ropinski, F Steinicke, K Hinrichs
Smart Graphics, 93-104, 2006
Interactive volumetric lighting simulating scattering and shadowing
T Ropinski, C Döring, C Rezk-Salama
IEEE Pacific Visualization, 169-176, 2010
Shape-based transfer functions for volume visualization
JS Praßni, T Ropinski, J Mensmann, K Hinrichs
IEEE Pacific Visualization, 9-16, 2010
Inviwo – a visualization system with usage abstraction levels
D Jönsson, P Steneteg, E Sundén, R Englund, S Kottravel, M Falk, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 26 (11 …, 2019
An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action
H Anzt, F Bach, S Druskat, F Löffler, A Loewe, BY Renard, G Seemann, ...
F1000Research 9, 2020
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