Peifeng Li
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The effect of laser energy input on the microstructure, physical and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys by selective laser melting
DK Do, P Li
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 11 (1), 41-47, 2016
Deformation behaviour of stainless steel microlattice structures by selective laser melting
P Li, Z Wang, N Petrinic, CR Siviour
Materials Science and Engineering: A 614, 116-121, 2014
Quantification of the interaction within defect populations on fatigue behavior in an aluminum alloy
P Li, PD Lee, DM Maijer, TC Lindley
Acta Materialia 57 (12), 3539-3548, 2009
Elastic behaviour and failure mechanism in epoxy syntactic foams: The effect of glass microballoon volume fractions
R Huang, P Li
Composites Part B: Engineering 78, 401-408, 2015
Dynamic failure and fracture mechanism in alumina ceramics: Experimental observations and finite element modelling
Z Wang, P Li
Ceramics International 41 (10), 12763-12772, 2015
Strain rate dependent compressive properties of glass microballoon epoxy syntactic foams
P Li, N Petrinic, CR Siviour, R Froud, JM Reed
Materials Science and Engineering: A 515 (1-2), 19-25, 2009
Constitutive and failure behaviour in selective laser melted stainless steel for microlattice structures
P Li
Materials Science and Engineering: A 622, 114-120, 2015
Characterisation and constitutive model of tensile properties of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V struts for microlattice structures
Z Wang, P Li
Materials Science and Engineering: A 725, 350-358, 2018
Compressive properties and micro-structural characteristics of Ti–6Al–4V fabricated by electron beam melting and selective laser melting
L Xiao, W Song, M Hu, P Li
Materials Science and Engineering: A 764, 138204, 2019
Quantitative correlation between geometric parameters and stress concentration of corrosion pits
Y Huang, C Wei, L Chen, P Li
Engineering Failure Analysis 44, 168-178, 2014
A through process model of the impact of in-service loading, residual stress, and microstructure on the final fatigue life of an A356 automotive wheel
P Li, DM Maijer, TC Lindley, PD Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 460, 20-30, 2007
Comparison of Compression Performance and Energy Absorption of Lattice Structures Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting
X Shi, W Liao, P Li, C Zhang, T Liu, C Wang, J Wu
Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (11), 2000453, 2020
The effect of strain rate, specimen geometry and lubrication on responses of aluminium AA2024 in uniaxial compression experiments
P Li, CR Siviour, N Petrinic
Experimental mechanics 49 (4), 587-593, 2009
X-ray microtomography and finite element modelling of compressive failure mechanism in cenosphere epoxy syntactic foams
R Huang, P Li, T Liu
Composite Structures 140, 157-165, 2016
Finite element modelling of the mechanism of deformation and failure in metallic thin-walled hollow spheres under dynamic compression
P Li, N Petrinic, CR Siviour
Mechanics of Materials 54, 43-54, 2012
Numerical study of the effect of surface grooves on the aerodynamic performance of a NACA 4415 airfoil for small wind turbines
Y Liu, P Li, W He, K Jiang
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 206, 104263, 2020
Sensitivity of material failure to surface roughness: a study on titanium alloys Ti64 and Ti407
S Sneddon, Y Xu, M Dixon, D Rugg, P Li, DM Mulvihill
Materials & Design 200, 109438, 2021
Toughness control of boron carbide obtained by spark plasma sintering in nitrogen atmosphere
P Badica, H Borodianska, S Xie, T Zhao, D Demirskyi, P Li, AIY Tok, ...
Ceramics International 40 (2), 3053-3061, 2014
Diametrical growth in the forward flow forming process: simulation, validation, and prediction
X Song, KS Fong, SR Oon, WR Tiong, PF Li, AM Korsunsky, A Danno
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 71, 207-217, 2014
Simulating the residual stress in an A356 automotive wheel and its impact on fatigue life
P Li, DM Maijer, TC Lindley, PD Lee
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 38 (4), 505-515, 2007
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