Jeremiah J Garretson
Jeremiah J Garretson
Quantitative UX Researcher at Meta/Instagram, Former Associate Professor of Political Science
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Getting the message out: Media context and global changes in attitudes toward homosexuality
PM Ayoub, J Garretson
Comparative political studies 50 (8), 1055-1085, 2017
The path to gay rights: How activism and coming out changed public opinion
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 2018
Does change in minority and women's representation on television matter?: a 30-year study of television portrayals and social tolerance
JJ Garretson
Politics, Groups, and Identities 3 (4), 615-632, 2015
Exposure to the lives of lesbians and gays and the origin of young people’s greater support for gay rights
JJ Garretson
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 27 (2), 277-288, 2015
Scientific Communication about Biological Influences on Homosexuality and the Politics of Gay Rights
J Garretson, E Suhay
Political Research Quarterly, 1065912915620050, 2015
Science, sexuality, and civil rights: Does information on the causes of sexual orientation change attitudes?
E Suhay, J Garretson
The Journal of Politics 80 (2), 692-696, 2018
Changing with the times: The spillover effects of same-sex marriage ballot measures on presidential elections
JJ Garretson
Political Research Quarterly 67 (2), 280-292, 2014
Changing media, changing minds: The lesbian and gay movement, television, and public opinion
JJ Garretson
Vanderbilt University, 2009
14. The How, Why, and Who of LGBTQ “Victory”: A Critical Examination of Change in Public Attitudes Involving LGBTQ People
JJ Garretson, S Burgess
LGBTQ politics, 252-269, 2017
1. A Transformed Society: LGBT Rights in the United States
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 3-33, 2018
Amy Adamczyk. Cross-National Public Opinion about Homosexuality: Examining Attitudes across the Globe. Oakland: University of California Press. 2017. 304 pp …
JJ Garretson
Public Opinion Quarterly 82 (3), 605-607, 2018
9. Social Change in Liberal Democracies
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 229-246, 2018
2. Understanding Affective Liberalization
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 34-66, 2018
7. The Persistence of Political Conflict over Gay Rights
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 178-206, 2018
3. The Spread and Intensification of Gay and Lesbian Identities
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 67-95, 2018
4. The Capture of the Democratic Party and the Clinton Victory
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 96-122, 2018
5. Issue Evolution? Gay Politics in the Early Clinton Years
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 123-147, 2018
Appendix 1. Additional Information on Statistical Methods
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 247-258, 2018
6. Coming Out, Entertainment Television, and the Youth Revolt
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 148-177, 2018
Appendix 2. Additional Information on Data and Variable Coding
JJ Garretson
The Path to Gay Rights, 259-268, 2018
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