Marceau Gresse
Marceau Gresse
Geological Survey of Japan (AIST)
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Relations between electrical resistivity, carbon dioxide flux, and self-potential in the shallow hydrothermal system of Solfatara (Phlegrean Fields, Italy)
S Byrdina, J Vandemeulebrouck, C Cardellini, A Legaz, C Camerlynck, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 283, 172-182, 2014
Three‐dimensional electrical resistivity tomography of the Solfatara crater (Italy): Implication for the multiphase flow structure of the shallow hydrothermal system
M Gresse, J Vandemeulebrouck, S Byrdina, G Chiodini, A Revil, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (11), 8749-8768, 2017
3D ultra-high resolution seismic imaging of shallow Solfatara crater in Campi Flegrei (Italy): New insights on deep hydrothermal fluid circulation processes
G De Landro, V Serlenga, G Russo, O Amoroso, G Festa, PP Bruno, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 3412, 2017
Anatomy of a fumarolic system inferred from a multiphysics approach
M Gresse, J Vandemeulebrouck, S Byrdina, G Chiodini, P Roux, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 7580, 2018
Hydrothermal and magmatic system of a volcanic island inferred from magnetotellurics, seismicity, self‐potential, and thermal image: an example of Miyakejima (Japan)
M Gresse, M Uyeshima, T Koyama, H Hase, K Aizawa, Y Yamaya, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126, e2021JB022034, 2021
Self-potential as a tool to assess groundwater flow in hydrothermal systems: A review
A Revil, A Finizola, M Gresse
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 437, 107788, 2023
Dating the landscape evolution around the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave
K Genuite, JJ Delannoy, JJ Bahain, M Gresse, S Jaillet, A Philippe, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 8944, 2021
Changes in CO2 diffuse degassing induced by the passing of seismic waves
M Gresse, J Vandemeulebrouck, S Byrdina, G Chiodini, PP Bruno
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 320, 12-18, 2016
Electrical conductivity and induced polarization investigations at Kilauea volcano, Hawai'i
A Revil, A Ghorbani, LS Gailler, M Gresse, N Cluzel, N Panwar, R Sharma
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 368, 31-50, 2018
Hydrothermal activity and subsoil complexity: implication for degassing processes at Solfatara crater, Campi Flegrei caldera
C Montanaro, K Mayer, R Isaia, M Gresse, B Scheu, TI Yilmaz, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 79, 1-20, 2017
Induced Polarization as a Tool to Assess Alteration in Geothermal Systems: A Review
A Revil, M Gresse
Minerals, 2021
A strongly heterogeneous hydrothermal area imaged by surface waves: the case of Solfatara, Campi Flegrei, Italy
M Serra, G Festa, P Roux, M Gresse, J Vandemeulebrouck, A Zollo
Geophysical Journal International 205 (3), 1813-1822, 2016
Induced polarization of volcanic rocks. 5. Imaging the temperature field of shield volcanoes
A Revil, Y Qi, A Ghorbani, M Gresse, DM Thomas
Geophysical Journal International 225 (3), 1492-1509, 2021
3D electrical conductivity imaging of Halema ‘uma ‘u lava lake (Kīlauea volcano)
L Gailler, J Kauahikaua, JF Lénat, A Revil, M Gresse, AS Ahmed, N Cluzel, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 381, 185-192, 2019
Induced polarization images alteration in stratovolcanoes
A Revil, Y Qi, N Panwar, M Gresse, H Grandis, R Sharma, Y Géraud, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 429, 107598, 2022
On a large magmatic fluid reservoir oblique to the volcanic front in the southern part of NE Japan revealed by the magnetotelluric survey
D Diba, M Uyeshima, M Ichiki, S Sakanaka, M Tamura, Y Yuan, M Gresse, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 75 (1), 146, 2023
Induced polarization of volcanic rocks–6: relationships with other petrophysical properties
K Zhang, N Chibati, A Revil, J Richard, M Gresse, Y Xue, Y Géraud
Geophysical Journal International 234 (3), 2375-2393, 2023
Use of the radiocarbon activity deficit in vegetation as a sensor of CO2 soil degassing: example from la Solfatara (Naples, Southern Italy)
JC Lefevre, PY Gillot, C Cardellini, M Gresse, L Lesage, G Chiodini, ...
Radiocarbon 60 (2), 549-560, 2018
The thermal plumbing system of Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Italy) inferred from electrical conductivity and induced polarization tomography
A Revil, A Finizola, T Johnson, T Ricci, M Gresse, E Delcher, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128 (6), e2023JB026475, 2023
Induced Polarization as a Tool to Assess Alteration in Geothermal Systems: A Review. Minerals2021, 11, 962
A Revil, M Gresse
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Articles 1–20