Marko Radovan
Marko Radovan
Professor of adult education and EdTech, University of Ljubljana
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The Relation between Distance Students' Motivation, Their Use of Learning Strategies, and Academic Success.
M Radovan
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET 10 (1), 216-222, 2011
Relations between students’ motivation, and perceptions of the learning environment
M Radovan, D Makovec
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal 5 (2), 115-138, 2015
Acceptance of Technology and Its Impact on Teachers' Activities in Virtual Classroom: Integrating UTAUT and CoI into a Combined Model.
M Radovan, N Kristl
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET 16 (3), 11-22, 2017
Adult Learners' Learning Environment Perceptions and Satisfaction in Formal Education--Case Study of Four East-European Countries.
M Radovan, D Makovec
International Education Studies 8 (2), 101-112, 2015
Should I stay, or should I go? Revisiting student retention models in distance education
M Radovan
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 20 (3), 29-40, 2019
Osnove e-izobraževanja: priročnik
L Bregar, M Zagmajster, M Radovan
Andragoški center Slovenije, 2010
Cognitive and metacognitive aspects of key competency “learning to learn”
M Radovan
Pedagogika 133 (1), 28-42, 2019
Developing guidelines for evaluating the adaptation of accessible web-based learning materials
M Radovan, M Perdih
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 17 (4 …, 2016
E-izobraževanje za digitalno družbo
L Bregar, M Zagmajster, M Radovan
Andragoški center Slovenije, 2020
Evalvacija javno veljavnega programa Projektno učenje za mlajše odrasle (PUM) in in Temeljno usposabljanje za mentorje (TUM PUM): povzetek zaključnega poročila
E Možina, P Javrh, M Kuran, K Vrbajnščak, P Šmalcelj, M Radovan, ...
Andragoški center Slovenije, 2010
Motivacija odraslih za izobraževanje: vrednotni, kognitivni in socialno-kulturni vidiki motivacije brezposelnih za izobraževanje. Povzetek raziskovalnega poročila
M Radovan
Andragoški center Republike Slovenije, 2001
Mladina 2020
M Lavrič, T Deželan
Udeležba prebivalcev Slovenije v izobraževanju odraslih
V Mohorčič Špolar, A Ivančič, J Mirčeva, E Možina, M Radovan, ...
Ljubljana: Andragoški center Slovenije, 2001
Harmonizing pedagogy and technology: Insights into teaching approaches that foster sustainable motivation and efficiency in blended learning
M Radovan, DM Radovan
Sustainability 16 (7), 2704, 2024
Facilitating students’ motivation and learning through competence-based didactic units
D Makovec-Radovan, M Radovan
Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja 47 (2), 249-268, 2015
Older men learning in the community: European snapshots
M Radovan, S Jelenc Krasovec
Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts and University of Algarve, 2014
The influence of self-regulated learning and age on success in studying
M Radovan
Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies 61 (5), 102-124, 2010
The case of Slovenia. Access of adults to formal and non-formal education—Policies and priorities
A Ivančič, VA Mohorčič Špolar, M Radovan
Ljubljana: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. National report for …, 2010
Ovire odraslih pri vključevanju v izobraževanje
M Radovan
Andragoška spoznanja 8 (1), 24-31, 2002
Adult Learning and the Promise of New Technologies.
D Dinevski, M Radovan
New Directions For Adult & Continuing Education 2013 (138), 2013
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