Perilaku konsumen JC Mowen, M Minor Jakarta: Erlangga 90, 16-38, 2002 | 3328 | 2002 |
The customer orientation of service workers: Personality trait effects on self-and supervisor performance ratings TJ Brown, JC Mowen, DT Donavan, JW Licata Journal of marketing research 39 (1), 110-119, 2002 | 2075 | 2002 |
EL COMPORTAMIENTO DEL CONSUMIDOR EN OC Moreno, J Ruiz Andrade, M Lozano Ramírez, R Verján Quiñones Revista Global de Negocios 3, 104, 2015 | 1872 | 2015 |
Internal benefits of service-worker customer orientation: Job satisfaction, commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors DT Donavan, TJ Brown, JC Mowen Journal of marketing 68 (1), 128-146, 2004 | 1633 | 2004 |
Perilaku konsumen jilid 1 JC Mowen, M Minor Jakarta: Erlangga, 2002 | 911 | 2002 |
The 3M model of motivation and personality: Theory and empirical applications to consumer behavior JC Mowen Springer Science & Business Media, 2000 | 863 | 2000 |
Psychological determinants of financial preparedness for retirement DA Hershey, JC Mowen The Gerontologist 40 (6), 687-697, 2000 | 499 | 2000 |
Understanding compulsive buying among college students: A hierarchical approach JC Mowen, N Spears Journal of consumer psychology 8 (4), 407-430, 1999 | 479 | 1999 |
On explaining and predicting the effectiveness of celebrity endorsers. JC Mowen, SW Brown Advances in consumer research 8 (1), 1981 | 410 | 1981 |
Re-examining salesperson goal orientations: personality influencers, customer orientation, and work satisfaction EG Harris, JC Mowen, TJ Brown Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33 (1), 19-35, 2005 | 401 | 2005 |
Consumer Behavior. 4-th ed JC Mowen, M Minor Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995 | 382 | 1995 |
Source credibility: On the independent effects of trust and expertise JL Wiener, JC Mowen Advances in consumer research 13 (1), 306-310, 1986 | 318 | 1986 |
Volunteer behavior: A hierarchical model approach for investigating its trait and functional motive antecedents JC Mowen, H Sujan Journal of consumer psychology 15 (2), 170-182, 2005 | 311 | 2005 |
Beyond consumer decision making JC Mowen Journal of consumer marketing 5 (1), 15-25, 1988 | 291 | 1988 |
The impact of perceived justice on customer satisfaction and intention to complain in a service recovery. M Ann Hocutt, G Chakraborty, JC Mowen Advances in consumer research 24 (1), 1997 | 286 | 1997 |
Waiting in the emergency room: how to improve patient satisfaction JC Mowen, JW Licata, J McPhail Marketing Health Services 13 (2), 26, 1993 | 281 | 1993 |
Employee customer orientation in context: How the environment moderates the influence of customer orientation on performance outcomes. JW Grizzle, AR Zablah, TJ Brown, JC Mowen, JM Lee Journal of applied psychology 94 (5), 1227, 2009 | 275 | 2009 |
On the trait antecedents and outcomes of service worker job resourcefulness: A hierarchical model approach JW Licata, JC Mowen, EG Harris, TJ Brown Journal of the Academy of Marketing science 31 (3), 256-271, 2003 | 271 | 2003 |
Toward a theory of motivation and personality with application to word-of-mouth communications JC Mowen, S Park, A Zablah Journal of business research 60 (6), 590-596, 2007 | 255 | 2007 |
C dan Michael Minor. 2002 J Mowen Perilaku Konsumen, 2000 | 239 | 2000 |