Milton de Souza Mendonça, Jr.
Milton de Souza Mendonça, Jr.
Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências, UFRGS
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Integrating ecosystem functions into restoration ecology—recent advances and future directions
J Kollmann, ST Meyer, R Bateman, T Conradi, MM Gossner, ...
Restoration Ecology, 2016
Spider Trait Assembly Patterns and Resilience under Fire-Induced Vegetation Change in South Brazilian Grasslands
LR Podgaiski, F Joner, S Lavorel, M Moretti, S Ibanez, MS Mendonça Jr, ...
PloS one 8 (3), e60207, 2013
Plant diversity and galling arthropod diversity searching for taxonomic patterns in an animal-plant interaction in the neotropics
M de Souza Mendonça, Jr
Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 42, 347-357, 2007
Galling insect diversity patterns: the resource synchronisation hypothesis
M de Souza Mendonça Jr
Oikos 95 (1), 171-176, 2001
Long-term ecological research in southern Brazil grasslands: Effects of grazing exclusion and deferred grazing on plant and arthropod communities
PMA Ferreira, BO Andrade, LR Podgaiski, AC Dias, VD Pillar, ...
PLoS One 15 (1), e0227706, 2020
Local biodiversity erosion in south Brazilian grasslands under moderate levels of landscape habitat loss
IR Staude, E Vélez‐Martin, BO Andrade, LR Podgaiski, II Boldrini, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (3), 1241-1251, 2018
Borboletas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea e Hesperioidea) ocorrentes em diferentes ambientes na floresta Ombrófila Mista e nos Campos de Cima da Serra do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
CA Iserhard, MT Quadros, HP Romanowski, MS Mendonca Junior
Biota Neotropica. Campinas. Vol. 10, n. 1 (jan./mar. 2010), p. 309-320, 2010
Oniscidea diversity across three environments in an altitudinal gradient in northeastern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
ERC Lopes, MS Mendonça Jr, G Bond-Buckup, PB Araujo
European Journal of soil biology 41 (3), 99-107, 2005
Diversity of galling arthropods and host plants in a subtropical forest of Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil
RV Dalbem, MS Mendonça Jr
Neotropical Entomology 35 (5), 616-624, 2006
Mating behavior of Aegla platensis (Crustacea, Anomura, Aeglidae) under laboratory conditions
M Almerão, G Bond-Buckup, M de S. Mendonça
Journal of Ethology 28 (1), 87-94, 2010
12,500+ and counting: biodiversity of the Brazilian Pampa
BO Andrade, W Dröse, CA Aguiar, ET Aires, DJ Alvares, RL Barbieri, ...
Frontiers of Biogeography 15 (2), 2023
Spider diversity responds strongly to edge effects but weakly to vegetation structure in riparian forests of Southern Brazil
ENL Rodrigues, MDS Mendonça Jr, LE Costa-Schmidt
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 1-11, 2014
Spider diversity in a rice agroecosystem and adjacent areas in southern Brazil
ENL Rodrigues, MS Mendonca Junior, R Ott
Revista Colombiana de Entomologia. Bogotá, Colombia. Vol. 35, n. 1,(jan./jun …, 2009
Fauna de aranhas (Arachnida, Araneae) em diferentes estágios do cultivo de arroz irrigado em Cachoeirinha, RS, Brasil
ENL Rodrigues, MS Mendonca Junior, R Ott
Iheringia. Série Zoologia. Porto Alegre. Vol. 98, n. 3 (set. 2008), p. 362-371, 2008
Measuring Arthropod Biodiversity: A Handbook of Sampling Methods
JC Santos, GW Fernandes
Springer Nature, 2020
Combining functional traits and phylogeny to disentangling Amazonian butterfly assemblages on anthropogenic gradients
RL Spaniol, LS Duarte, MS Mendonça Jr, CA Iserhard
Ecosphere 10 (8), e02837, 2019
Terrestrial isopod diversity in the subtropical Neotropics: Itapuã State Park, southern Brazil
MP Almerão, MS Mendonça Jr, AF Quadros, E Pedó, LGR Silva, ...
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 96 (4), 473-477, 2006
Water stress and phenological synchronism between Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae) and multiple galling insects: formation of seasonal patterns
DC Oliveira, MS Mendonça Jr, A Moreira, JP Lemos-Filho, RMS Isaias
Journal of Plant Interactions 8 (3), 225-233, 2013
Guilds in Insect Galls: Who is Who
FA Luz, MSJ Mendonça
Florida Entomologist 102 (1), 207-210, 2019
O usO de AtributOs FunciOnAis de invertebrAdOs terrestres nA ecOlOgiA: O que, cOmO e pOr quê?
LR Podgaiski, MS Mendonça Jr, VP Pillar
Oecologia Australis 15 (4), 835-853, 2011
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