Anna Wysocka
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Continental-scale patterns of hyper-cryptic diversity within the freshwater model taxon Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda)
R Wattier, T Mamos, D Copilaş-Ciocianu, M Jelić, A Ollivier, A Chaumot, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-16, 2020
Visuospatial deficits of dyslexic children
M Lipowska, E Czaplewska, A Wysocka
Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and …, 2011
Revisiting the phylogeography of Asellus aquaticus in Europe: insights into cryptic diversity and spatiotemporal diversification
L Sworobowicz, M Grabowski, T Mamos, A Burzyński, A Kilikowska, J Sell, ...
Freshwater Biology 60 (9), 1824-1840, 2015
A new view on dam lines in Polish Arabian horses based on mtDNA analysis
I Głażewska, A Wysocka, BGR Prus, J Sell
Genetics Selection Evolution 39 (5), 609-619, 2007
Origin of the Lake Ohrid gammarid species flock: ancient local phylogenetic lineage diversification
A Wysocka, M Grabowski, L Sworobowicz, T Mamos, A Burzyński, J Sell
Journal of Biogeography 41 (9), 1758-1768, 2014
A tale of time and depth: intralacustrine radiation in endemic Gammarus species flock from the ancient Lake Ohrid
A Wysocka, M Grabowski, L Sworobowicz, A Burzyński, A Kilikowska, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 167 (3), 345-359, 2013
Molecular species delimitation methods provide new insight into taxonomy of the endemic gammarid species flock from the ancient Lake Ohrid
M Grabowski, A Wysocka, T Mamos
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 181 (2), 272-285, 2017
Lasting through the ice age: The role of the proglacial refugia in the maintenance of genetic diversity, population growth, and high dispersal rate in a widespread freshwater …
L Sworobowicz, T Mamos, M Grabowski, A Wysocka
Freshwater Biology 65 (6), 1028-1046, 2020
The Proasellus (Crustacea, Isopoda) species group, endemic to the Balkan Lake Ohrid: a case of ecological diversification?
A Wysocka, G Kostoski, A Kilikowska, B Wróbel, J Sell
Fundamental and Applied Limnology/Archiv für Hydrobiologie 172 (4), 301-313, 2008
The obscure history of the Lake Skadar and its biota: a perspective for future research
M Grabowski, A Jabłońska, A Wysocka, V Pešić
The Skadar/Shkodra Lake Environment, 47-61, 2018
The Patterns and Puzzles of Genetic Diversity of Endangered Freshwater Mussel Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788 Populations from Vistula and Neman Drainages (Eastern Central Europe)
A Kilikowska, M Mioduchowska, A Wysocka, A Kaczmarczyk-Ziemba, ...
Life 10 (7), 119, 2020
Genetics in solving dyslexia puzzles
A Wysocka, M Lipowska, A Kilikowska
Acta Neuropsychologica, 8 4, 315-331, 2010
Genetyczne podłoże współwystępowania ADHD i dysleksji rozwojowej
A Wysocka, M Lipowska
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna 10 (3), 189-194, 2010
Low genetic diversity in Polish populations of sibling ant species: Lasius niger (L.) and Lasius platythorax Seifert (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
A Wysocka, L Krzysztofiak, A Krzysztofiak, O Żołnierkiewicz, E Ojdowska, ...
Insectes sociaux 58 (2), 191-195, 2011
Phylogenetic position of Dendrocoelum lacteum (Tricladida) from the Balkan Lake Ohrid evidenced by allozyme data
T Sywula, Z Krstanovski, A Biała, A Wysocka, A Kilikowska, J Sell
Biochemical systematics and ecology 34 (3), 212-218, 2006
Monophyletic status of European morphogenera of the subfamily Candoninae Kaufmann, 1900 (Ostracoda: Candonidae) in relation to their mtDNA phylogenies
A Wysocka, A Kilikowska, N Mori, S Iepure, M Kijowska, T Namiotko
The Journal of Crustacean Biology 39 (5), 567-573, 2019
Patterns of genetic differentiation and population history of endemic isopods (Asellidae) from ancient Lake Ohrid: combining allozyme and mtDNA data
A Kilikowska, A Wysocka, A Burzyński, G Kostoski, J Rychlińska, J Sell
Central European Journal of Biology 8 (9), 854-875, 2013
Distribution of subfossil ostracod assemblages in lacustrine profundal sediments of north-eastern Poland
T Namiotko, L Namiotko, A Wysocka
Revue de micropaléontologie 55 (1), 17-27, 2012
Morphologically intermediate form between Athous haemorrhoidalis and A. vittatus (Coleoptera: Elateridae): a case of hybridization? A preliminary study
A Wysocka, A Kaczmarczyk, L Buchholz, J Sell
Annales Zoologici 61 (4), 629-635, 2011
Notes on genetic differentiation within the endemic Proasellus species group from Lake Ohrid (Balkan Peninsula)
A Kilikowska, A Wysocka, J Sell, M Ziętara, T Sywula
Biological Lett 43 (1), 21-32, 2006
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