Multi-dimensional modeling of direct-injection diesel spray liquid length and flame lift-off length using CFD and parallel detailed chemistry PK Senecal, E Pomraning, KJ Richards, TE Briggs, CY Choi, RM McDavid, ... SAE transactions, 1331-1351, 2003 | 822 | 2003 |
Modeling high-speed viscous liquid sheet atomization PK Senecal, DP Schmidt, I Nouar, CJ Rutland, RD Reitz, ML Corradini International journal of multiphase flow 25 (6-7), 1073-1097, 1999 | 620 | 1999 |
A new parallel cut-cell Cartesian CFD code for rapid grid generation applied to in-cylinder diesel engine simulations PK Senecal, KJ Richards, E Pomraning, T Yang, MZ Dai, RM McDavid, ... SAE Technical Paper, 2007 | 364 | 2007 |
CONVERGE 3.0 KJ Richards, PK Senecal, E Pomraning Convergent Science, Madison, WI 540, 2021 | 363 | 2021 |
Pressure-swirl atomization in the near field DP Schmidt, I Nouar, PK Senecal, J Rutland, JK Martin, RD Reitz, ... SAE transactions, 471-484, 1999 | 338 | 1999 |
Large eddy simulation of a reacting spray flame with multiple realizations under compression ignition engine conditions Y Pei, S Som, E Pomraning, PK Senecal, SA Skeen, J Manin, LM Pickett Combustion and Flame 162 (12), 4442-4455, 2015 | 207 | 2015 |
Diesel engine combustion chamber geometry optimization using genetic algorithms and multi-dimensional spray and combustion modeling DD Wickman, PK Senecal, RD Reitz SAE Transactions, 487-507, 2001 | 206 | 2001 |
Diversity in transportation: Why a mix of propulsion technologies is the way forward for the future fleet PK Senecal, F Leach Results in Engineering 4, 100060, 2019 | 158 | 2019 |
A review of current and future powertrain technologies and trends in 2020 G Conway, A Joshi, F Leach, A García, PK Senecal Transportation Engineering 5, 100080, 2021 | 154 | 2021 |
CONVERGE (v2. 3) KJ Richards, PK Senecal, E Pomraning Convergent Science, Madison, WI 19, 2016 | 152 | 2016 |
Modeling turbulent combustion using a RANS model, detailed chemistry, and adaptive mesh refinement E Pomraning, K Richards, PK Senecal SAE technical paper, 2014 | 149 | 2014 |
CONVERGE 2.4 Manual KJ Richards, PK Senecal, E Pomraning Convergent Science Inc., Madison, WI, 2017 | 145 | 2017 |
An investigation of grid convergence for spray simulations using an LES turbulence model PK Senecal, E Pomraning, KJ Richards, S Som SAE Technical Paper, 2013 | 145 | 2013 |
Grid-convergent spray models for internal combustion engine CFD simulations PK Senecal, E Pomraning, KJ Richards, S Som Internal combustion engine division fall technical conference 55096, 697-710, 2012 | 137 | 2012 |
Simultaneous reduction of engine emissions and fuel consumption using genetic algorithms and multi-dimensional spray and combustion modeling PK Senecal, RD Reitz SAE transactions, 1378-1390, 2000 | 137 | 2000 |
Grid-convergent spray models for internal combustion engine computational fluid dynamics simulations PK Senecal, E Pomraning, KJ Richards, S Som Journal of Energy Resources Technology 136 (1), 012204, 2014 | 118 | 2014 |
Large eddy simulation of fuel-spray under non-reacting IC engine conditions Q Xue, S Som, PK Senecal, E Pomraning Atomization and Sprays 23 (10), 2013 | 117 | 2013 |
An Eulerian CFD model and X-ray radiography for coupled nozzle flow and spray in internal combustion engines Q Xue, M Battistoni, CF Powell, DE Longman, SP Quan, E Pomraning, ... International Journal of Multiphase Flow 70, 77-88, 2015 | 113 | 2015 |
A new detailed kinetic model for surrogate fuels: C3MechV3. 3 S Dong, SW Wagnon, LP Maffei, G Kukkadapu, A Nobili, Q Mao, ... Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 9, 100043, 2022 | 105 | 2022 |
Converge (version 2.2. 0) manual, convergent science KJ Richards, PK Senecal, E Pomraning Inc., Madison, WI, 2014 | 100 | 2014 |