Xiwei Xu (徐锡伟)
Xiwei Xu (徐锡伟)
Autres nomsXi-Wei XU
Professor, School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
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Coseismic reverse-and oblique-slip surface faulting generated by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China
X Xu, X Wen, G Yu, G Chen, Y Klinger, J Hubbard, J Shaw
Geology 37 (6), 515-518, 2009
汶川 M_S8. 0 地震地表破裂带及其发震构造
徐锡伟, 闻学泽, 叶建青, 马保起, 陈杰, 周荣军, 何宏林, 田勤俭, 何玉林, ...
地震地质 30 (003), 597-629, 2008
Three (nearly) complete inventories of landslides triggered by the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Mw 7.9 earthquake of China and their spatial distribution statistical analysis
C Xu, X Xu, X Yao, F Dai
Landslides 11, 441-461, 2014
2008 年汶川 8.0 级地震发震断裂的滑动速率、 复发周期和构造成因
张培震, 徐锡伟, 闻学泽, 冉勇康
地球物理学报 51 (4), 1066-1073, 2008
The Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake surface ruptures and its seismogenic structure
X Xu
Seismology and geology 30, 3, 2008
GIS-based support vector machine modeling of earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility in the Jianjiang River watershed, China
C Xu, F Dai, X Xu, YH Lee
Geomorphology 145, 70-80, 2012
Pattern of latest tectonic motion and its dynamics for active blocks in Sichuan-Yunnan region, China
X Xu, X Wen, R Zheng, W Ma, F Song, G Yu
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 46, 210-226, 2003
Slip rates and recurrence intervals of the Longmen Shan active fault zone, and tectonic implications for the mechanism of the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake, 2008, Sichuan, China
PZ Zhang
Chinese J. Geophys. 51, 1066-1073, 2008
徐锡伟, 闻学泽, 郑荣章, 马文涛, 宋方敏, 于贵华
中国科学: D 辑 33 (B04), 151-162, 2003
Historical pattern and behavior of earthquake ruptures along the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan faulted-block, southwestern China
X Wen, S Ma, X Xu, Y He
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 168 (1-2), 16-36, 2008
Late Quaternary and present‐day rates of slip along the Altyn Tagh Fault, northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
PZ Zhang, P Molnar, X Xu
Tectonics 26 (5), 2007
Lushan M S7.0 earthquake: A blind reserve-fault event
XW Xu, XZ Wen, ZJ Han, GH Chen, CY Li, WJ Zheng, SM Zhnag, ZQ Ren, ...
Chinese Science Bulletin 58, 3437-3443, 2013
High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Mapping of the Surface Rupture and Slip Distribution of the Mw ∼7.8, 14 November 2001 Kokoxili Earthquake, Kunlun Fault …
Y Klinger, X Xu, P Tapponnier, J Van der Woerd, C Lasserre, G King
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (5), 1970-1987, 2005
Comparison of different models for susceptibility mapping of earthquake triggered landslides related with the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China
C Xu, X Xu, F Dai, AK Saraf
Computers & Geosciences 46, 317-329, 2012
Shallow creep on the Haiyuan Fault (Gansu, China) revealed by SAR Interferometry
XX R. Jolivet, C. Lasserre, M.-P. Doin, S. Guillaso
J. Geophys. Res. 117 (B6), 2012
Rapid slip along the central Altyn Tagh Fault: morphochronologic evidence from Cherchen He and Sulamu Tagh
AS Mériaux, FJ Ryerson, P Tapponnier, J Van der Woerd, RC Finkel, X Xu, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B6), 2004
Measurement of interseismic strain across the Haiyuan fault (Gansu, China), by InSAR
O Cavalié, C Lasserre, MP Doin, G Peltzer, J Sun, X Xu, ZK Shen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 275 (3-4), 246-257, 2008
The Aksay segment of the northern Altyn Tagh fault: Tectonic geomorphology, landscape evolution, and Holocene slip rate
AS Mériaux, P Tapponnier, FJ Ryerson, X Xiwei, G King, J Van der Woerd, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B4), 2005
Database and spatial distribution of landslides triggered by the Lushan, China Mw 6.6 earthquake of 20 April 2013
C Xu, X Xu, JBH Shyu
Geomorphology 248, 77-92, 2015
邓起东, 冯先岳, 张培震
Di zhen chu ban she, 2000
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