Vincent Raynauld
Vincent Raynauld
Associate Professor / Professeur agrégé, Emerson College
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The power of political image: Justin Trudeau, Instagram, and celebrity politics
M Lalancette, V Raynauld
American behavioral scientist 63 (7), 888-924, 2019
Canada is# IdleNoMore: exploring dynamics of Indigenous political and civic protest in the Twitterverse
V Raynauld, E Richez, K Boudreau Morris
Information, Communication & Society 21 (4), 626-642, 2018
Tweet, click, vote: Twitter and the 2010 Ottawa municipal election
V Raynauld, J Greenberg
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11 (4), 412-434, 2014
Political protest 2.0: Social media and the 2012 student strike in the province of Quebec, Canada
V Raynauld, M Lalancette, S Tourigny-Koné
French Politics 14, 1-29, 2016
Canada is no exception: The 2022 Freedom Convoy, political entanglement, and identity-driven protest
J Gillies, V Raynauld, A Wisniewski
American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642231166885, 2023
Unpacking the political effects of social movements with a strong digital component: The case of# IdleNoMore in Canada
E Richez, V Raynauld, A Agi, AB Kartolo
Social media+ society 6 (2), 2056305120915588, 2020
Boutique populism: The emergence of the tea party movement in the age of digital politics
A Turcotte, V Raynauld
Political marketing in the United States, 61-84, 2014
Pictures, filters, and politics: Instagram’s role in political image making and storytelling in Canada
V Raynauld, M Lalancette
Visual communication quarterly 28 (4), 212-226, 2021
“Different strokes for different folks”: Implications of voter micro-targeting and appeal in the age of Donald Trump
V Raynauld, A Turcotte
Political marketing in the 2016 US presidential election, 11-28, 2018
Politicking and visual framing on Instagram: A look at the portrayal of the leadership of Canada’s Justin Trudeau
M Lalancette, V Raynauld
Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies. Revue interdisciplinaire des études …, 2020
Social media, visuals, and politics: a look at politicians' digital visual habitus on Instagram
V Raynauld, M Lalancette
Research handbook on visual politics, 167-180, 2023
Online mobilization: Tweeting truth to power in an era of revised patterns of mobilization in Canada
M Lalancette, V Raynauld
T. Small, & H. Jansen (Éds), Digital politics in Canada: Promises and …, 2020
Les groupes minoritaires et/ou marginalisés à l’ère numérique. Introduction. Pratiques de mobilisation, changements socio-politiques et transformations identitaires
V Raynauld, E Richez, S Wojcik
Terminal. Technologie de l'information, culture & société, 2020
Politique PQ 2.0: qui sont les blogueurs politiques québécois?
T Giasson, C Darisse, V Raynauld
Politique et sociétés 32 (3), 3-28, 2013
Hypercitizens from a distinct society: Characterizing Quebec’s political bloggers’ online and offline political involvement
T Giasson, V Raynauld, C Darisse
International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies …, 2011
What’s Trending in Canadian Politics?: Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Sphere
M Lalancette, V Raynauld, E Crandall
UBC Press, 2019
Visual culture, personalization, and politics: A comparative analysis of political leaders’ Instagram-based image-making and communication in Spain and India
C Navarro, D Ganapathy, V Raynauld
International Journal of Strategic Communication 17 (4), 381-397, 2023
Divide Et Impera: Wedge Politics in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election
A Turcotte, V Raynauld
Political Marketing in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election, 127-140, 2021
Scandals and screenshots: Social media elites in Canadian politics
F McKelvey, M Côté, V Raynauld
Political elites in Canada: Power and influence in instantaneous times, 204-22, 2018
Citizen-Driven Political Blogs as Web-based Research Samples: Opportunities and Challenges.
V Raynauld, T Giasson, C Darisse
Graduate Journal of Social Science 8 (3), 2011
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