Wendy Powley
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Reputation-enhanced QoS-based web services discovery
Z Xu, P Martin, W Powley, F Zulkernine
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), 249-256, 2007
Today's DBMSs: how autonomic are they
S Elnaffar, W Powley, D Benoit, P Martin
14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2003
Workload adaptation in autonomic DBMSs
B Niu, P Martin, W Powley, R Horman, P Bird
Proceedings of the 2006 conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on …, 2006
Applying bargaining game theory to web services negotiation
X Zheng, P Martin, W Powley, K Brohman
2010 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 218-225, 2010
Workload management in database management systems: A taxonomy
M Zhang, P Martin, W Powley, J Chen
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 30 (7), 1386-1402, 2017
Managing database server performance to meet qos requirements in electronic commerce systems
P Martin, W Powley, HY Li, K Romanufa
International Journal on Digital Libraries 3, 316-324, 2002
Dynamic reconfiguration algorithm: Dynamically tuning multiple buffer pools
P Martin, HY Li, M Zheng, K Romanufa, W Powley
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 11th International Conference …, 2000
Autonomic management of elastic services in the cloud
P Martin, A Brown, W Powley, JL Vazquez-Poletti
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 135-140, 2011
Techniques for automatically sizing multiple buffer pools in DB2
W Tian, P Martin, W Powley
Proceedings of the 2003 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on …, 2003
Towards autonomic workload management in DBMSs
B Niu, P Martin, W Powley
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 20 (3), 1-17, 2009
Automatic diagnosis of performance problems in database management systems
DG Benoit
Second International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'05), 326-327, 2005
Services supporting management of distributed applications and systems
MA Bauer, RB Bunt, A El Rayess, PJ Finnigan, T Kunz, HL Lutfiyya, ...
IBM Systems Journal 36 (4), 508-526, 1997
Workload class importance policy in autonomic database management systems
H Boughton, P Martin, W Powley, R Horman
Seventh IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and …, 2006
The wsdm of autonomic computing: Experiences in implementing autonomic web services
P Martin, W Powley, K Wilson, W Tian, T Xu, J Zebedee
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self …, 2007
Architecture for an Autonomic Web Services Environment.
W Tian, FH Zulkernine, J Zebedee, W Powley, P Martin
WSMDEIS, 32-44, 2005
Using economic models to allocate resources in database management systems
M Zhang, P Martin, W Powley, P Bird
Proceedings of the 2008 conference of the center for advanced studies on …, 2008
Configuring buffer pools in DB2 UDB.
X Xu, P Martin, W Powley
CASCON, 13, 2002
Adaptive cryptographic access control for dynamic data sharing environments
A Kayem, P Martin, SG Akl
Canadian theses, 2008
Autonomic workload execution control using throttling
W Powley, P Martin, M Zhang, P Bird, K McDonald
2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW …, 2010
Adapting mixed workloads to meet SLOs in autonomic DBMSs
B Niu, P Martin, W Powley, P Bird, R Horman
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshop, 478-484, 2007
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