US Pacific marine mammal stock assessments, 2013 JV Carretta, EM Oleson, DW Weller, AR Lang, KA Forney, JD Baker, ... | 918* | 2014 |
Sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: an ongoing legacy of industrial whaling? AM Springer, JA Estes, GB Van Vliet, TM Williams, DF Doak, EM Danner, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (21), 12223-12228, 2003 | 705 | 2003 |
Marine protected areas and ocean basin management KD Hyrenbach, KA Forney, PK Dayton Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 10 (6), 437-458, 2000 | 578 | 2000 |
Techniques for cetacean–habitat modeling JV Redfern, MC Ferguson, EA Becker, KD Hyrenbach, C Good, J Barlow, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 310, 271-295, 2006 | 571 | 2006 |
Environmental models of cetacean abundance: reducing uncertainty in population trends KA Forney Conservation Biology 14 (5), 1271-1286, 2000 | 302 | 2000 |
Abundance and population density of cetaceans in the California Current ecosystem. J Barlow, KA Forney Fishery Bulletin 105 (4), 509-527, 2007 | 300 | 2007 |
Large‐scale movements and high‐use areas of western Pacific leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea SR Benson, T Eguchi, DG Foley, KA Forney, H Bailey, C Hitipeuw, ... Ecosphere 2 (7), 1-27, 2011 | 256 | 2011 |
Habitat compression and ecosystem shifts as potential links between marine heatwave and record whale entanglements JA Santora, NJ Mantua, ID Schroeder, JC Field, EL Hazen, SJ Bograd, ... Nature communications 11 (1), 536, 2020 | 255 | 2020 |
Assessing the risk of ships striking large whales in marine spatial planning JV Redfern, MF McKenna, TJ Moore, J Calambokidis, ML Deangelis, ... Conservation Biology 27 (2), 292-302, 2013 | 236 | 2013 |
Seasonal patterns in the abundance and distribution of California cetaceans, 1991–1992 KA Forney, J Barlow Marine Mammal Science 14 (3), 460-489, 1998 | 233 | 1998 |
WhaleWatch: a dynamic management tool for predicting blue whale density in the California Current EL Hazen, DM Palacios, KA Forney, EA Howell, E Becker, AL Hoover, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (5), 1415-1428, 2017 | 206 | 2017 |
Worldwide distribution and abundance of killer whales KA Forney, PR Wade, JA Estes Whales, whaling and ocean ecosystems 145, 162, 2006 | 192 | 2006 |
Habitat-based spatial models of cetacean density in the eastern Pacific Ocean KA Forney, MC Ferguson, EA Becker, PC Fiedler, JV Redfern, J Barlow, ... Endangered Species Research 16 (2), 113-133, 2012 | 172 | 2012 |
The abundance of cetaceans in California waters. Part 2: Aerial surveys in winter and spring of 1991 and 1992 KA Forney, J Barlow, JV Carretta Fishery Bulletin 93 (1), 15-26, 1995 | 158 | 1995 |
Comparing California Current cetacean–habitat models developed using in situ and remotely sensed sea surface temperature data EA Becker, KA Forney, MC Ferguson, DG Foley, RC Smith, J Barlow, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 413, 163-183, 2010 | 138 | 2010 |
Spatial structure and population extinction: a study with Drosophila flies KA Forney, ME Gilpin Conservation Biology 3 (1), 45-51, 1989 | 137 | 1989 |
Temporal resolutions in species distribution models of highly mobile marine animals: Recommendations for ecologists and managers L Mannocci, AM Boustany, JJ Roberts, DM Palacios, DC Dunn, PN Halpin, ... Diversity and Distributions 23 (10), 1098-1109, 2017 | 129 | 2017 |
Abundance, distribution, and habitat of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) off California, 1990-2003 SR Benson, KA Forney, JT Harvey, JV Carretta, PH Dutton FISHERY BULLETIN-NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION 105 (3), 337, 2007 | 128 | 2007 |
Seasonal habitat‐based density models for a marine top predator, the harbor porpoise, in a dynamic environment A Gilles, S Viquerat, EA Becker, KA Forney, SCV Geelhoed, J Haelters, ... Ecosphere 7 (6), e01367, 2016 | 124 | 2016 |
The state of the California Current, 2005-2006: warm in the north, cool in the south WT Peterson, R Emmett, R Goericke, E Venrick, A Mantyla, SJ Bograd, ... California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Report 47, 30, 2006 | 124 | 2006 |