Ammar A. Albalasmeh
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A new method for rapid determination of carbohydrate and total carbon concentrations using UV spectrophotometry
AA Albalasmeh, AA Berhe, TA Ghezzehei
Carbohydrate polymers 97 (2), 253-261, 2013
Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database
M Rahmati, L Weihermüller, J Vanderborght, YA Pachepsky, L Mao, ...
Earth System Science Data 10 (3), 1237-1263, 2018
Interplay between soil drying and root exudation in rhizosheath development
AA Albalasmeh, TA Ghezzehei
Plant and Soil 374, 739-751, 2014
Evaluation of phytotoxicity effect of olive mill wastewater treated by different technologies on seed germination of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
MJM Rusan, AA Albalasmeh, S Zuraiqi, M Bashabsheh
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 9127-9135, 2015
Reclamation of Highly Calcareous Saline Sodic Soil Using Atriplex Halimus and by-Product Gypsum
MA Gharaibeh, NI Eltaif, AA Albalasmeh
International Journal of Phytoremediation 13 (9), 873-883, 2011
Treated olive mill wastewater effects on soil properties and plant growth
MJ M. Rusan, AA Albalasmeh, HI Malkawi
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 1-10, 2016
Characterization and Artificial Neural Networks Modelling of methylene blue adsorption of biochar derived from agricultural residues: effect of biomass type, pyrolysis …
A Albalasmeh, MA Gharaibeh, O Mohawesh, M Ajlouni, M Quzaih, ...
Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 24, 811-823, 2020
Degradation of moist soil aggregates by rapid temperature rise under low intensity fire
AA Albalasmeh, M Berli, DS Shafer, TA Ghezzehei
Plant and Soil 362, 335-344, 2013
Effect of hydrogel on corn growth, water use efficiency, and soil properties in a semi-arid region
AA Albalasmeh, O Mohawesh, MA Gharaibeh, AG Alghamdi, MA Alajlouni, ...
Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 21 (8), 518-524, 2022
Alteration of physical and chemical characteristics of clayey soils by irrigation with treated waste water
MA Gharaibeh, TA Ghezzehei, AA Albalasmeh, MZ Alghzawi
Geoderma 276, 33-40, 2016
Improving aggregate stability and hydraulic properties of Sandy loam soil by applying polyacrylamide polymer
AA Albalasmeh, EH Hamdan, MA Gharaibeh, A El Hanandeh
Soil and Tillage Research 206, 104821, 2021
Spatial distribution of rhizodeposits provides built-in water potential gradient in the rhizosphere
TA Ghezzehei, AA Albalasmeh
Ecological Modelling 298, 53-63, 2015
Estimation of exchangeable sodium percentage from sodium adsorption ratio of salt-affected soils using traditional and dilution extracts, saturation percentage, electrical …
MA Gharaibeh, AA Albalasmeh, C Pratt, A El Hanandeh
Catena 205, 105466, 2021
Effect of pyrolysis temperature and biomass particle size on the heating value of biocoal and optimization using response surface methodology
A El Hanandeh, A Albalasmeh, M Gharaibeh
Biomass and Bioenergy 151, 106163, 2021
Effect of olive mill wastewater (OMW) application on soil properties and wheat growth performance under rain-fed conditions
O Mohawesh, H Al-Hamaiedeh, A Albalasmeh, S Qaraleh, M Haddadin
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230 (7), 160, 2019
Estimation of saturated paste electrical conductivity using three modelling approaches: Traditional dilution extracts; saturation percentage and artificial neural networks
MA Gharaibeh, AA Albalasmeh, A El Hanandeh
CATENA 200, 105141, 2021
Potential use of biochar as an amendment to improve soil fertility and tomato and bell pepper growth performance under arid conditions
O Mohawesh, A Albalasmeh, M Gharaibeh, S Deb, C Simpson, S Singh, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 21 (4), 2946-2956, 2021
Controlled land application of olive mill wastewater (OMW): Enhance soil indices and barley growth performance in arid environments
O Mohawesh, A Albalasmeh, H Al-Hamaiedeh, S Qaraleh, O Maaitah, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231, 1-12, 2020
Short-term effects of olive mill wastewater land spreading on soil physical and hydraulic properties
AA Albalasmeh, MA Alajlouni, MA Ghariabeh, MJ Rusan
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230, 1-14, 2019
Cadmium uptake and translocation of tomato in response to simulated irrigation water containing elevated concentrations of cadmium and zinc in clayey soil
MA Gharaibeh, AA Albalasmeh, B Marschner, Y Saleem
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 1-12, 2016
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