Amalia de Götzen
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Service design capabilities
N Morelli, A De Götzen, L Simeone
Springer Nature, 2021
Traditional (?) implementations of a phase-vocoder: The tricks of the trade
A De Götzen, N Bernardini, D Arfib
Proceedings of the COST G-6 Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-00 …, 2000
Estimation of detection thresholds for acoustic based redirected walking techniques
S Serafin, NC Nilsson, E Sikstrom, A De Goetzen, R Nordahl
2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 161-162, 2013
Generalization and personalization of mobile sensing-based mood inference models: an analysis of college students in eight countries
L Meegahapola, W Droz, P Kun, A De Götzen, C Nutakki, S Diwakar, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous …, 2023
Open Data as a New Commons. Empowering citizens to make meaningful use of a new resource
N Morelli, A De Götzen, I Mulder, J Pedersen, T Jaskiewicz, M Aguilar
4th International Conference on Internet Science, 2017
The stakeholder map: A conversation tool for designing people-led public services
FB Giordano, N Morelli, A De Götzen, J Hunziker
Service Design and Innovation Conference: Proof of Concept, 2018
The theory, practice, and ethical challenges of designing a diversity-aware platform for social relations
L Schelenz, I Bison, M Busso, A De Götzen, D Gatica-Perez, F Giunchiglia, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 905-915, 2021
Creative data work in the design process
P Kun, I Mulder, A De Götzen, G Kortuem
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 346-358, 2019
Service design and participatory design: time to join forces?
J Saad-Sulonen, A De Götzen, N Morelli, L Simeone
Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation …, 2020
Paper mechanisms for sonic interaction
S Delle Monache, D Rocchesso, J Qi, L Buechley, A De Götzen, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and …, 2012
Complex daily activities, country-level diversity, and smartphone sensing: A study in denmark, italy, mongolia, paraguay, and uk
K Assi, L Meegahapola, W Droz, P Kun, A De Götzen, M Bidoglia, ...
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2023
Integrating auditory feedback in motor rehabilitation systems
F Avanzini, A De Götzen, S Spagnol, A Rodá
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces for …, 2009
The impact of an accurate vertical localization with HRTFs on short explorations of immersive virtual reality scenarios
M Geronazzo, E Sikström, J Kleimola, F Avanzini, A De Götzen, S Serafin
2018 IEEE international symposium on mixed and augmented reality (ISMAR), 90-97, 2018
Perceptual evaluation of sound-producing objects
BL Giordano, P Susini, R Bresin
Sonic interaction design, 151-197, 2013
Articulating a strategic approach to face complexity in design projects: The role of Theory of Change
L Simeone, D Drabble, G Iacopini, K van Dam, N Morelli, A De Götzen, ...
Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference, 2019
Making sense of data in a service design education
A De Götzen, P Kun, L Simeone, N Morelli
ServDes. 2018–Service design proof of concept: Proceedings of the ServDes …, 2018
Framing design to support social innovation: the Open4Citizens project
N Morelli, M Aguilar, G Concilio, AD Götzen, I Mulder, J Pedersen, ...
The Design Journal 20 (sup1), S3171-S3184, 2017
Enhancing engagement in multimodality environments by sound movements in a virtual space
A de Gotzen
IEEE MultiMedia 11 (2), 4-8, 2004
Shop'til you hear it drop: influence of interactive auditory feedback in a virtual reality supermarket
E Sikström, ER Høeg, L Mangano, NC Nilsson, A De Götzen, S Serafin
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on virtual reality software and …, 2016
An Enactive Approach to the Preservation of Musical Instruments Reconstructing Russolo's Intonarumori
S Serafin, A De Götzen
Journal of New Music Research 38 (3), 231-239, 2009
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Articles 1–20