Huizhi Peng
Huizhi Peng
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Ultrastrong nanotwinned titanium alloys through additive manufacturing
Y Zhu, K Zhang, Z Meng, K Zhang, P Hodgson, N Birbilis, M Weyland, ...
Nature Materials 21 (11), 1258-1262, 2022
A microstructure-based creep model for additively manufactured nickel-based superalloys
S Wu, HY Song, HZ Peng, PD Hodgson, H Wang, XH Wu, YM Zhu, ...
Acta Materialia 224, 117528, 2022
Improving creep property of additively manufactured Inconel 718 through specifically-designed post heat treatments
S Wu, HZ Peng, X Gao, PD Hodgson, HY Song, YM Zhu, Y Tian, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 857, 144047, 2022
The effect of carbides on the creep performance of Hastelloy X fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
S Wu, SB Dai, M Heilmaier, HZ Peng, GH Zhang, S Huang, XJ Zhang, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 875, 145116, 2023
Microstructure control by heat treatment for better ductility and toughness of Ti-6Al-4V produced by laser powder bed fusion
K Zhang, WH Kan, Y Liu, X Gao, Y Zhu, SCV Lim, H Peng, A Huang
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 19 (5), 680-691, 2021
Rapid hardening response of ultra-hard Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion
H Peng, S Wu, WH Kan, SCV Lim, Y Zhu, A Huang
Scripta Materialia 226, 115209, 2023
An injection molding method to prepare chitosan-zinc composite material for novel biodegradable flexible implant devices
H Peng, K Wang, Z Huang
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 34 (3), 256-261, 2019
The mechanisms behind the tribological behavior of titanium alloys processed by laser powder bed fusion sliding against steel
WH Kan, H Peng, S Lim, Y Zhu, K Zhang, A Huang
Tribology International 180, 108279, 2023
Microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloys
Monash University, 0
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Articles 1–9