Thomas Maillart
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The extreme risk of personal data breaches and the erosion of privacy
S Wheatley, T Maillart, D Sornette
The European Physical Journal B 89, 1-12, 2016
Heavy-tailed distribution of cyber-risks
T Maillart, D Sornette
The European Physical Journal B 75, 357-364, 2010
Empirical tests of Zipf's law mechanism in open source Linux distribution
T Maillart, D Sornette, S Spaeth, G Von Krogh
Physical Review Letters 101 (218701), 2008
Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow? Revisiting Eric Raymond with bug bounty programs
T Maillart, M Zhao, J Grossklags, J Chuang
Journal of Cybersecurity, 2017
Cyber risk research impeded by disciplinary barriers
G Falco, M Eling, D Jablanski, M Weber, V Miller, LA Gordon, SS Wang, ...
Science 366 (6469), 1066-1069, 2019
An empirical analysis of cyber security incidents at a large organization
MA Kuypers, T Maillart, E Paté-Cornell
Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University …, 2016
Exploring the limits of safety analysis in complex technological systems
D Sornette, T Maillart, W Kroeger
Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 6, 59-66, 2013
Using 2D video-based pose estimation for automated prediction of autism spectrum disorders in young children
N Kojovic, S Natraj, SP Mohanty, T Maillart, M Schaer
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 15069, 2021
Beyond shannon: Characterizing internet traffic with generalized entropy metrics
B Tellenbach, M Burkhart, D Sornette, T Maillart
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 10th International Conference, PAM …, 2009
My thoughts are not your thoughts
B Johnson, T Maillart, J Chuang
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2014
How Much is the Whole Really More than the Sum of its Parts? 1+ 1= 2.5: Superlinear Productivity in Collective Group Actions
D Sornette, T Maillart, G Ghezzi
PLoS ONE 9 (8), e103023, 2014
Quantification of deviations from rationality with heavy tails in human dynamics
T Maillart, D Sornette, S Frei, T Duebendorfer, A Saichev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (5 …, 2011
Crowdsourced security vulnerability discovery: Modeling and organizing bug-bounty programs
M Zhao, A Laszka, T Maillart, J Grossklags
The HCOMP Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Human Computation, Austin …, 2016
The virtuous circle of Wikipedia: recursive measures of collaboration structures
M Klein, T Maillart, J Chuang
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2015
An international technical standard for commercial space system cybersecurity-a call to action
G Falco, W Henry, M Aliberti, B Bailey, M Bailly, S Bonnart, N Boschetti, ...
ASCEND 2022, 4302, 2022
Hierarchy of Temporal Responses of Multivariate Self-Excited Epidemic Processes
A Saichev, T Maillart, D Sornette
Eur. Phys. J. B 86 (124), 1-19, 2013
Measuring security development in information technologies: A scientometric framework using arXiv e-prints
DP David, L Maréchal, W Lacube, S Gillard, M Tsesmelis, T Maillart, ...
Technological forecasting and social change 188, 122316, 2023
Aristotle vs. Ringelmann: On superlinear production in open source software
T Maillart, D Sornette
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 523, 964-972, 2019
Efficient collective action for tackling time-critical cybersecurity threats
S Gillard, D Percia David, A Mermoud, T Maillart
Journal of Cybersecurity 9 (1), tyad021, 2023
Designing organizations for cyber security resilience
M Kuypers, T Maillart
Proceedings of the 2018 the Workshop on the Economics of Information …, 2018
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