Jiang Long
Jiang Long
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Gaming disorder: Its delineation as an important condition for diagnosis, management, and prevention
JB Saunders, W Hao, J Long, DL King, K Mann, M Fauth-Bühler, ...
Journal of behavioral addictions 6 (3), 271-279, 2017
Prevalence and correlates of problematic smartphone use in a large random sample of Chinese undergraduates
J Long, TQ Liu, YH Liao, C Qi, HY He, SB Chen, J Billieux
BMC psychiatry 16, 1-12, 2016
Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: The need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective: Commentary on: A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err …
HJ Rumpf, S Achab, J Billieux, H Bowden-Jones, N Carragher, ...
Journal of behavioral addictions 7 (3), 556-561, 2018
Functional impairment matters in the screening and diagnosis of gaming disorder: Commentary on: Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming …
J Billieux, DL King, S Higuchi, S Achab, H Bowden-Jones, W Hao, J Long, ...
Journal of behavioral addictions 6 (3), 285-289, 2017
Expert appraisal of criteria for assessing gaming disorder: An international Delphi study
J Castro‐Calvo, DL King, DJ Stein, M Brand, L Carmi, SR Chamberlain, ...
Addiction 116 (9), 2463-2475, 2021
Prevalence and correlates of problematic online gaming: a systematic review of the evidence published in Chinese
J Long, T Liu, Y Liu, W Hao, P Maurage, J Billieux
Current Addiction Reports 5, 359-371, 2018
Passion or addiction? Correlates of healthy versus problematic use of videogames in a sample of French-speaking regular players
J Deleuze, J Long, TQ Liu, P Maurage, J Billieux
Addictive Behaviors 82, 114-121, 2018
Adaptive backstepping based consensus tracking of uncertain nonlinear systems with event-triggered communication
W Wang, J Long, J Zhou, J Huang, C Wen
Automatica 133, 109841, 2021
Research progress and debates on gaming disorder
Q Wang, H Ren, J Long, Y Liu, T Liu
General psychiatry 32 (3), e100071, 2019
Mental health literacy survey of non-mental health professionals in six general hospitals in Hunan Province of China
Q Wu, X Luo, S Chen, C Qi, J Long, Y Xiong, Y Liao, T Liu
PLoS One 12 (7), e0180327, 2017
The prevalence, metabolic disturbances and clinical correlates of recent suicide attempts in Chinese inpatients with major depressive disorder
YJ Ma, DF Wang, M Yuan, XJ Zhang, J Long, SB Chen, QX Wu, XY Wang, ...
Bmc Psychiatry 19, 1-7, 2019
Mental health literacy about schizophrenia and depression: a survey among Chinese caregivers of patients with mental disorder
S Chen, Q Wu, C Qi, H Deng, X Wang, H He, J Long, Y Xiong, T Liu
BMC psychiatry 17, 1-8, 2017
The efficacy of mobile phone-based text message interventions (‘Happy Quit’) for smoking cessation in China
Y Liao, Q Wu, J Tang, F Zhang, X Wang, C Qi, H He, J Long, BC Kelly, ...
BMC public health 16, 1-11, 2016
High prevalence and risk factors of dropout intention among Chinese medical postgraduates
P Peng, WF Yang, Y Liu, S Chen, Y Wang, Q Yang, X Wang, M Li, Y Wang, ...
Medical Education Online 27 (1), 2058866, 2022
Towards a cross-cultural assessment of binge-watching: Psychometric evaluation of the “watching TV series motives” and “binge-watching engagement and symptoms” questionnaires …
M Flayelle, J Castro-Calvo, C Vögele, R Astur, R Ballester-Arnal, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 111, 106410, 2020
Brief overview of the WHO collaborative project on the development of new international screening and diagnostic instruments for gaming disorder and gambling disorder
N Carragher, J Billieux, H Bowden-Jones, S Achab, MN Potenza, ...
Addiction 117 (7), 2119-2121, 2022
A network analysis of anxiety and depression symptoms among Chinese nurses in the late stage of the COVID-19 pandemic
P Peng, Q Chen, M Liang, Y Liu, S Chen, Y Wang, Q Yang, X Wang, M Li, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 996386, 2022
The gambling craving experience questionnaire: Psychometric properties of a new scale based on the elaborated intrusion theory of desire
A Cornil, J Long, S Rothen, JC Perales, P de Timary, J Billieux
Addictive behaviors 95, 110-117, 2019
Public health approaches and policy changes after the inclusion of gaming disorder in ICD-11: global needs
J Long, R Bhad, MN Potenza, L Orsolini, V Phan, M Kanabar, S Achab
BJPsych international 19 (3), 63-66, 2022
Factor structure and measurement invariance of the problematic mobile phone use questionnaire-short version across gender in Chinese adolescents and young adults
YY Wang, J Long, YH Liu, TQ Liu, J Billieux
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-9, 2020
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